Graduation today. it was quite a sad event lar. i had tears in my eyes, but didnt cry. i shall upload the photos tml, cause i'm so tired!! after graduation went to mac's to eat with almost the whole cls. had a free meal cause the school gave us free $5 mac voucher each. after that went home to change and then to the arcade with james and tracie. beat tracie in every time crisis 3 match except the last one, cause i only had $1 left and she had $5. also tried out the pinball machines. tracie beat me there. must have been the pirates. it was a pirates of the carribean pinball machine.
anyway, i was so bo liao jus now so i thought : why not practice eng? so i wrote a final fantasy 7 fan fiction. pls comment!
Chapter 1
Vincent Valentine's eyes became darts, flying from side to side. One would have the impression that not even a firefly in the light would escape his glaring sight, not to mention the swiftness of his arms and the dead accuracy of his shots. Yes, he was not the man you would want to find using the opposite urinal in the bathroom.
After reassuring himself that no one was close by, he sat down at the rusty metal chair and took of the magnificent golden claw of his. Although the claw encumbered his movements, it eased the great pain in his mangled arm and this gave him utmost comfort in battle.
Careful not to hit anything, he dragged himself into the bathroom and let the cold water run down his arm. He winced as the cold liquid rushed over his wound, but felt a sense of relief immediately after that. The water had removed what was left of the poison in the wound.
Hastily, he unbuckled his signature vest and stepped into the cold, running water. Carelessly, he tossed his headband into the basin and let the bangs fall over his face. He turned and looked in the mirror.
'Damn, i look good for a senior citizen' he thought silently. Then, laughing to himself, he returned to cleansing his body. The water washed away dirt, sorrows and memories. When he stepped out, he was no longer the light-hearted being that he actually was. He was Vincent Valentine.
Just as he reached for his towel, the bathroom knob turned. Vincent reached for his .33 caliber, but he even he was too slow. His assailant fired first, striking Vincent in the thigh. Though injured, Vincent managed to hit his attacker, putting a couple of bullets through him before giving him the slip.
'Son ofa..... That actually hurt.'
Chapter 2
Cloud Strife locked his hands with Tifa Lockhart, and strode down the narrow alley. 'Vincent sure chooses weird places as his home.' exclaimed Tifa. Cloud merely grinned and nodded in silent agreement. Vincent really liked inaccessible, rural areas. But they were in no position to complain. At least this area had no poisonous snakes or hidden Guardians ready to spring on them.
As they rounded the bend, a sound in the bushes caught their attention. Thinking it was their friend, they called out: 'Vincent!' There was no reply. Again they shouted, gaining no response. Cloud raised his blade and, with a single slash, divided the bushes.
Tifa screamed in shock. A man was lying in the bushes, with bullet wounds through his arms and legs. Cloud dragged the body out on the cool, stone pavement.
Regaining her composure, Tifa began the long process of healing the stranger while Cloud searched the pockets, hoping to find some sort of identification.
As he was rummaging through his pockets, Tifa snapped her fingers impatiently, wanting her lover's attention. 'Does this bullet look familiar?' Cloud lifted his head and recognized the bullets.
Chapter 3
Vincent Valentine cleaned his wounds and put on some fresh clothes. He would find out who the assailant was later. He had more important things to do, like getting the house packed up for Cloud and Tifa's visit. He was in the middle of chucking 'Time' magazine into the drawer when the door bell rang. He rushed out and unlocked the heavily bolted door.
'Lost something?' asked Cloud. Vincent looked over his shoulder and smiled. He need not look for his attacker, after all. Fate had brought him back, and an enemy at his bidding was just what he needed now.
how is it??!!!??!!