Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Oh wells.
OGL camp day 1 was rather ok. There wasnt really many exciting things which happened, apart from some cool cheers and actions =)
And maybe the ice breaker games. The dance was fun too! Danced till my feet hurt T_T
Oh, bought new shoes ^^

17.20 from IP Zone =) Bought it on the 23rd. I know Yun Hui will agree with me that it's nice. Cause its RED.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
We BBQed the first night and played cards. Asshole Diadi. whahahaha. We booked a 2 storey chalet so when some people were sleeping at the 2nd level, we played heart attack so as to wake them up xD. Instead of shouting heart attack, we shouted 'Zhao Huo Le!' (there's a fire!). But no one came down to look >.<
Went back and ate before playing majong! Thanks to Yixin and Jason for helping us book! We played some guessing game with satay sticks as currency. I left to play majong and after awhile, it became a dare game which was quite funny and entertaining. Shall not go into details. ^^
3rd day, played Kang Kai An's DS! Funn! Then it was back home for us where we played some game which I will also not discuss. bleah =p
Oh, did I mention? I went ice-skating with kurt before the chalet.

Thursday, December 06, 2007
Nick Vujicic
He is indeed a wonderful motivational speaker. Although I am not of the same faith as he is, I was affected by some of the things he said and I could apply them to my life.
At one point he asked if we have turned away from our circumstance. To me, I translate it as: Have we failed to see the opportunities? We may only see the side that bothers us the most. Perhaps we are in a deserted island after a plane crash. Do we think that we are unlucky to be involved in a plane crash and ending up on a deserted island? Or are we grateful for the fact that we made it alive? We have another chance, another chance to make it right. We were given another chance to live, to be a better person. We are lucky to have survived.
I always believe that we are all here for a reason. We have a task, to influence people to encourage, to show support. It doesnt matter if it is 1 person, 2 people, or millions as Nick has probably done. Our purpose in life is to fulfil that. We must make the world a better place. Yes, there will be suffering, there will be war, there will be death, but everybody counts. If you influence one person, that person can influence others, and you have a chain effect. It only takes one to make a difference. Sometimes, I believe that once we have influenced someone, our time is up. Sometimes, our deaths influence people. Why do the good die young? Because they have influenced. They have served their purpose in life. In my religion, Buddhism, the ultimate aim is to achieve a state of nothingness, because if you have reached that state, then you are not attached to anything. You are free from suffering. These people have done their part. They have done what they need to do, and they perhaps, are one step closer to this state. They are free from suffering in the world we live in.
We all have a purpose in life. To be morally upright, to challenge tradition, to improvise, to educate, to groom, to revise, to refine.
All this, will influence.
Your purpose in life. You may have to seek it, it may also come to you. Your purpose is not a set purpose. You can change this purpose, according to your hearts desire. But all in all, it is the fulfilment of this purpose. That you can reflect on your life and say that, yes, I have fulfiled my purpose, and I could have done more, because this purpose, is never fully accomplished. You always lay the next layer for others. You lay the stepping stones, to allow the next person to climb higher, and lay the steps for the next person, and so on. As long as there are people who share the same purpose, you can fulfil your part, and lay the path for the next person.
Perhaps, the only thing we can take with us to death is a smile.
And that smile only comes if you are satisfied with your life. Your life might be difficult, tumbling, but perhaps, all these help you grow, they nurture you, set you down the right path, allow you to differentiate right from wrong. Cherish the happy times, learn from the bad, and move on.
Life's too short to be sad. Fulfil your purpose. What you need to do. What YOU FEEL you need to do. Be happy.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Friday, November 30, 2007

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Yun Hui and me on the rocks (Sorry i keep calling you Hui Yi)
On the rocks. Note that Amos is ON BLADES
Defending Champion Syahid teaching Marla

Jacky! Don't know why there's a whitish thing to the left of his cue stick
Syahid won 4 one-on-ones before Sung defeated him.
Went to k-box ytd for karen's bdae. Sang S.H.E songs again and again like never before!
Went ice-skating today and saw Andrina! She recognised me from obs and she was also ice skating. So we skated awhile then i left first with my parents. We went to my childhood neighbourhood, Bukit Purmei, and we ate the ever-famous Lor Mee. It simply owns every single lor mee in woodlands.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
It was funn! I was riding the bike at first because I was doubbtful of the cushion of the skates but we tried another store and the cushion was great. I substituted cc halfway and I switched to blading.
When I was riding the bike, it started to rain and we sought shelter! The wind was blowing into my face! Gahhh!
Switched to blades and bladed to the jetty area. Amos wore skates up to the rocks! I was so worried that he might fall off. He grabbed on to me and we formed a train with the rest and we 'escorted' him on the rocks. Took a few pictures and headed back. Was the last to reach due to a searing back pain caused by both blading and yesterday's 2.4 run. Now my stomach hurts as well from doing the crutches this morning at the gym. I fell a couple of times but it was alright. Minor cuts only =p Thick skin mahhh
Tml singing kbox!
Friday, November 16, 2007
I CONQUERED MY FEAR OF HEIGHTS (And so did cc and Sakino! yay!)
Will upload photos when they come in.
Day 1:
Instuctor was Mario, or Handsome. Hahaha. Great guy, Damn funny and nice.
Did rock wall on the first day. Was rather apprehensive but decided to attempt the middle wall (the vertical one) as opposed to the slanted ones, which were termed as easier. But I think all of them had the same amount of difficulty, especially with regards to the right side of the slanted rock wall. Few people got to the top of that one. I needed to climb about 10 tiles. Made it to tile 8 after very very long and gave up. My hands were shaking when I pull.
Right now, I have to sincerly apologise to Amos cause he was bilaying me and the skin on his hands tore becasue I was up there too long. Sorry Amos!
Day 2:
Kayaking (Or as my instructor Mario calls it: Canoeking) =)
Inverse tower! Sakino, we rock! It was actually quite easy but I was tired in the end. THe view up there was spectacular and I never enjoyed high elements as much.
At night, we ahd to come up with a skit for the 'Indiana Arts Fest' themed ' Being a leader is about...' We came up with a funny skit about finding treasure. A discussion went like this:
Dominic: We set him some obstacles to go through
Day 3:
Indiana Arts Fest was a sucess!
We broke up into our PEAKS team and came up with a flow chart to use when facing challenges. A PEAKS team is basically built around the personalities of 8 people, and it is generally assumed that if you get these 8 people together, you will get a good team. I was teamed up with Sakino, Dominic, Eunice, Adlin, Sung, Yun Hui and Jemimah.
Games played:
Ball juggling - Think its easy? THink again. You ahve to throw a ball to someone not in your immediate left or right. You can only use one hand, all team members must throw at the same time, and no one must fail to catch the ball for 3 consequtive times. WE managed to do it in the dying seconds.
Team ski - I was the 'observer' for this challenge to see what roles we play in a team. It looked rather fun, though.
Team link - Quite fun game as well.
Afternoon Games:
Star of David - We were blindfolded and given 2 ropes to make a star of david. We managed to do it but then realised the ropes were of different length. We tried to do it agian but it failed. But NVM!
Tunnel challenge - Had to crawl through a tunnels (very dark) given 2 light sticks to find puzzle pieces and a puzzle board. Managed to complete it and it was much easier then I imagined. I imagined a freaking big tunnel with stone walls and all.
Tree Challenge - We needed to walk together, blindfolded, to a designated tree and thanks to Eunice's sixth sense and everyone's effort, we made it on our first go!
We told jokes into the night in the bunk and Zhi Jun came over from Bo Seng to tell us to lower the volume. The jokes were funny!
Day 4:
Kayaking ^^
12km! Great job KURT! It was actually quite a nice experience kayaking in a mangrove.
We did a picture at night about what we learnt in obs and it was fun. We had to rpetend that there were no languages or numerals and jsut draw out the experience together on a big piece of paper.
We went backa nd told jokes and ghost stories again. THen we played truth or dare. I fell asleep at 1.30am but they talked until 3.30am.
Day 5:
Was woken up by Sung who told me: Its 6.15! Actually, I didnt really want to go for PT because the temperature was so cold and perfect for sleeping! After PT, we went for breakfast, then packed and cleared our bunks, followed by 2 games of murderer before bunk inspection.
Had a little talk about our portion of our drawing, then shopping and lunch. We then chatted and it skipped from ghosts to barney to cartoons.
Then it was time to go.
Personally my whole experience there was qutie enriching. I really could be myself infront of some people, including my learning partner Sakino and Yun Hui. I particularly remember when YH and I went to Marshall to return an excess water bottle and we had a short light-hearted chat where I really felt comfortable. I also remember Sakino's Heart-to-Heart talk with me on the 2nd night and I really appreciated it.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Was at Kembangan this afternoon to collect cookies from dear Yuan. Due to a highly inaccurate estimation, I reached at 2.15, 45 minutes early -.- So I decided to explore Kembangan. You know, from the mrt, I could not express my joy when I saw Kembangan Plaza because I thought : Somewhere to kill time.
I was wrong. Its those kind of run-down shopping centers, dark and eerie. I spent less than 5 seconds in it. I went over to the canals and saw some birds! I think they are swans but I may be wrong.

but damn nice! I LIKE.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Meanwhile, quick update.
Going to obs soon. Hope i survive. xD
Took up ice skating lessons as well. Can't wait to start!! 23rd November come come.
I have no idea why but I'm getting bored of neopets. Aud Audition. Maybe I've lost interest in gaming.
On another note, I'm probably hitting the gym and the pool tml. YAY!
I want to pack my desk, but its too messy. Tried to file my econs notes and was crushed by the sheer messiness of my foolscap papers.
Oh, and Joel is asking for a beating xD
(No. Don't beat him. I was joking)
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Ended in disaster, I must say. It was all quite reasonable up to the chemistry paper. tHats where I blew it, like I always do chemistry.
In school right now, waiting for zhi jun to come and use my laptop >.<
Why am I back in school? I gotta hand in my EoM. For the benefit of those who don't know, the Evaluating of Materials is an individual document in the Project Work Syllybus.
Well, I feel the need to escape into literature, so I shall attempt a narrative for the first time in 10 months.
Before I go, funny video for you
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Luo Ling told me to do this >.<
*person who tag you : Luo Ling
*my relationship with her : schoolmates, IJ
*5 impression you have on him/her : social; happy; optimistic; cheerful; extrovert
*memorable thing she/he has done for you: Boi tutorial xD
*most memorable words she has said to you : HIII!!
* if she/he becomes your lover,you will : erm...
*if he/she becomes your enemy,you will : silence her! whahahaha!
*the desirable thing you want do for him/her now is : get her to remove me from that list! haha
*your overall impression of him/her is : Good.. heh
*how do you think people arnd you feel about you : how would i know? >.<
*characteristics you love about urself : - NIL -
*characteristics you hate about urself : easily distracted.. like now!
*the most ideal person you want to be is : any compassionate person
*for people who care and like you, say sumtink to them : wo ai ni!
**pass tis quiz to 10 ppl that you wish to noe how they feel bout you :
1) Kong Cheng
2) Si Yuan
3) Audrey
4) Amos
5) Michelle Mummy
6) Derrick
7) Asher
8) PX
9) SH
*who no.6 having relationship with? : o.O cassanova xD
*Is no.9 a male/female : female
*if no.7 and no.10 are together will be a good thing : no..
*wad no.2 studying? : Got HCL!!
*wen was the last time you chat wif No.3 : just now in school & after school!
*wad type of music no.8 like : Chinese
*does no.1 has siblings : yes
*will you woo no.3 : audrey? why not? we are sisters xD
*how about no.7 : .... redundant to say more
*is no.o4 single? : Luo Ling: i think he's got a girlfriend! Me: hmmm...
*wads the surname of no.5 : ehh... gotta check
*wads the hobby of no.4: going to church?.?
*do no.5 and no.9 get along well : they dont know each other xD
*where no.2 is studying : TKSS
*say sumtink casual about no.1 : my BFF :D
*have you tried developing feelings for no.8 : as sisters?
*where No.9 live : upp. Thompson please!
*What colour no.4 likes : erm... black?
*are no.1 and no.5 best friends : no... dont know each other..
*does no.7 like no.2 : again, case of dont know each other
*how you get to know no.2 : MAPLESTORY XD
*does no.1 has any pets : nope
*is no.7 the sexiest person in the world : his eyes are, :xhis attire maybe (hint: umberella!)
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Costal Clean-up

Okay, so basically me and a few 4e1 06 peeps, together with Hui Ying's class from Innova, went as student leaders to help in the WRS costal clean-up for our beloved Mr. Chong. Arrived at coffee-shop opposite WRS at 6.50, thinking that I was late.
No one was there.
Shouldn't have perambulated so fast.
Anyway, we gathered in school and were divided to our transit and our group. My group was quite unique because it only had one guy (Farhan) and the leader's name is Calisa. (Reminds me of Calipso in POTC). My first impression of Farhan was that he was not an extrovert, which I was to be wrong about. Anyway, there was quite a confusion when we got there because we were unsure whether we should venture further in. However, our transit was blocked by a large trunk and we had to travel to transit 8, then 7, and then tried to find a way back to transit 9. Un fortunately, the branch was longer than I expected, and we ended up cleaning transit 7 and 8 as well. Saw a large crab and I was totally unaware of it until I had crossed the area and nearly stepped on it -.-
Started to rain heavily at around 10.30 and the operation was cancelled. Total number of fatalities : 2 muddy boots. I was stuck in the mud while trying to get to the transit to untie the number tag. Thanks to Si Hui who helped me out! She later got stuck as well and I helped her out. We were totally caught off-guard by the rain. I only brought pants to change but that did not help as I was drenched from head to toe by the time I got to shelter. In fact, everyone was drenched, especially the student helpers as we were the last to cross the 'river' back to the sheltered are, which was about 1km away.
It was a joyful experience. The feeling of rain soaking through the clothes is something I have not experienced and enjoyed since my secondary school life. Rain still liven ups my spirit and soul. the feeling of the rain spraying on my face, and the feeliing of water running down my arms, legs, is perhaps one of the best feelings I will ever experience. I ran my fastest 800m in rainy weather (though the timing is nowhere near track and field standards). Rain is my element ^^