Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Econs tutorial was "sweet" today. Ms Shen used my photo to teach the satisfaction or something. Turns out I ate 12 hamburgers.... virtually, anyway.
Ate the jelly Px and Shyani's cls (0712A) made during break, right after our pe. My stomach was hurting like crazy during the 2nd round around teletubby hill, courtesy of the pratas I ate in the morning. Finished my worse for 3.2km at 20mins...
Conditioning was fine cause I think I've gotten used to it, and my upper body strength as increased a little. Now I don't feel back aches when I do push-ups.
Oh, yea. During civics, Mr Lim showed us this movie about a boy who lost his mother and then one year after she died, they (father and son) found a woman who looks exactly like his mother. Morever, it was the rainy season, and his mother had promised to return during the rainy season. It was very emotional!
I want to watch the rest of it!!!
Monday, January 29, 2007
What a Puff...
Curry puff, to be exact.
Bought this curry puff from our favorite convinience stall (actually my favorite too). I so didn't expect what happened next.
/ \
Turns out the curry puff was so oily, it broke a large hole at the bottom of that paper bag, you know the one specially made to absorb greese? Yep. One big hole.
And the taste was not exactly good either...
Should have bought Long John's instead......
Kelly didn't come today, and Karen wasn't talking all throughout maths cause she wasn't in the mood to talk, so we communicated through paper and pencil. Kinda funny, actually.
We are raising funds for the fun fair! Decided to do test-tubes but we can't think of anything to cover the heard with.
Any suggestions?
Sunday, January 28, 2007
- Be more patient (esp. with my parents)
- Be a better person
- Spend more time with loved ones
- Slimming down is hardly possible, so I'll resolve not to put on anymore weight
- Stop being self-centered, others before self
- Volunteer more at ARC
- Treasure my family, friends and life more
- Learn jap!
oh, btw, its 6.22 already... quite a long time spent on writing resolutions
Down to episode 7 of Da capo!!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Da Capo!! A little like School Rumble, just more.... mature kinda anime. But cute, nevertheless. And some parts are like you kinda expect something but in the end, it turns out to be something else. haha. How to put it....
Just don't expect some things that are obvious. Instead, wait until everything runs. Haha. Its very cute, the way they twist the obvious things and turn them into incidents you will never think of.
Down to episode 2, and I'm addicted already!! *pushes econs tutorial aside
Friday, January 26, 2007
So I'll start with thursday then.
The first half of the day was free cause Mr lim and Mrs Ng didn't come, so from 8 to 12.40, it was basically a 5 hour break. Karen went bacck home before GP. Sad...
Chemistry was rather gross to start with. Again, the pipette sucker thing had some liquid in it, so i turned it upside town and squeezed the water out. Lo and behold, some brown liquid flowed out... Totally gross.
PE was sooo fun! Played volleyball! And Mr Daniel ain't that bad after all. Guessed I had misjudged him all this time. Feeling abit guilty now.
The whole match was dominated by Tuhin on my side (Kelly, Suba, Susanty and Me) and by Hong Liang on the other (Cixin, Praveen, Zhi Jun and Tian Kian). the rest of them were good too! I manged to salvage a couple of points... for the other team.. lol. (Excluding serves). Both sides largely gained points just by serving cause most of the time we could not get the ball past the first hit. But overall, I think it was really good class bonding. One of the most memorable moments up till now.
Lessons today were again boring. Soooooo many lectures!! At least Ms Shen got the last 10 minutes of econs lecture to herself. That was the only plus point in the lectures cause she was not draggy and monotonous, like most of the lecturers.
Was basically falling asleep for the 2nd half of the bio lecture (as usual). Gp was relatively interesting, esp the part about T4. (I'm a war literature fanatic). Not that I support war (strongly oppose), but war literature is an interesting read.
Right. Did bio corrections after school then walked to cwp with Joel, Yixin, Karen, Eunice, Zhi Jun and Kelly. Karen left halfway to walk bacck. Eunice and Zhi Jun went to the bus terminal to go home. The rest of us headed to pastamania. Had their meatball spaghetti. Didn't really like it. Had bubble tea (Peach red tea) after that. Then Yixin had to go work so we went home.
Cousin came and had a chat about sociology and JC life. i still don't know what you can be if you study sociology!!!
Anyone knows???
Anyway, i jsut realised that I have reunion dinner (or lunch. Either). on the 11th of feb. Tracie's coming bacck too!! Was watching the news and they said that British Airways is gonna have a strike. Wonder if Tracie's flight is affected...
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
The cross country pretty much ate away my emotions for the day. The hungle trail was muddy and slippery, and it went uphill and downhill. Didn't run within 30mins.
Freakishly exhuasted.
Took a can with Eunice and Zhi Jun to ang mo kio, then took mrt to woodlands. Met Eunice Cheow and had a little chat. Then bacck to wrs.
Didn't see many teachers today... Only Mdm Chong..
Saw beloved Mrs Goh and went to the lab to take photos for the chem project. Somehow, I lacked enthusiasm in the phototaking and was restless for almost the whole expt.
Got home at around 5, and I just slept. Without bathing. Slept until like 6.30...
Not a post that would argree with the title of my blog : Optimistic, happy...
I think only 'mystory' fits this post.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
What the...
crap lar....
My cg kept advoiding the question. I mean, he's a really nice guy, but he just don't wanna tell me lar. Anyway, I got the point.
Haven't sold any yet. And its really crappy to absorb. i don't even feel that its right to sell the tickets. Even I disappove of the tickets cause its so not worthwhile.
Supposed to do bio report now, but so don't feel like doing.
Cross country tml. Same route as the cross country in secondary school. Running compeptitive... Seriously dunno why they chose me for compeptitive. They say based on last year's 2.4 timing. Like hello? That was like 10 months ago!
Bite of ramily.
tasted great^^
Monday, January 22, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
20 days.....
Suddenly, it dawned on me that Jun You is going to aussie in like 20 days... or 1730780 seconds....
Like, these four years has gone by so fast... The moment in which we met, is still etched deep in my mind. 4th floor stairwell, woodlands ring secondary. You, talking to Kong Cheng, and I, tagging along....
Its just sad that everything can't last. I say that many times to others, but the truth is, I can't accept it either.
1730150 seconds......
Saturday, January 20, 2007
I think I'm gonna buy sweettalk - 4.47pm
Bacck from sweettalk, with strawberry red tea at my side. This time, took the liberty of standing FAR AWAY from the cups of jelly. My breath stopped for a moment cause she put the cup next to the cup of jelly. Luckily I took the cup off the counter without any problem. And, I made sure I was out of the shop before i shook the cup.
Sigh of relief.
Friday, January 19, 2007
You may want to zoom in to see my post. xD

Okay, so walked with drew, joel, zhi jun and eunice to cwp after school. Zhi jun and eunice needed to go off, so we met kc and went to the foodcourt to eat. Kc treat me to lime juice! So sweet! (The juice was sweet too!)
Tsuki no kaasu
tsuki no KAASU tsumetai yume no naka de.....
kotoba no nai sekai de bokura wa ai wo kataru itsuka kimi ni todoku madekizu darake no kainade daki yoseta kuchibiru noharitsumeta negai tokashitakutenee aishiatta kako no utsukushisa sutesarebaashita motto kirei na yaoru e yukeru kara
tsuki no KAASUtsumetai yume no naka kara kimi wo tooku tsuresaritakutedokomade yukeru ai wo shinjite ii basho made
itami wo mada shiranai kodomo dake no yarikata dekimi wa kimi wo tozashiterumimimoto de sasayaita hajimete no ai no kotoba massugu na hitomi madowasetainee kimi wo dakishimete atatamerareru narabadonna batsu mo tsumi mo ima wa kowakunai
tsuki no KAASUtsumetai yume kara samete kimi to tadayoi tsunagiattedokomade yukou ai no shijima wo te ni suru made
nee aishiatta kako no utsukushisa sutesarebaashita motto kirei na yoru e yukeru kara
tsuki no KAASUtsumetai yume no naka kara kimi wo tooku tsuresaritakutedokomade yukeru ai wo shinjite ii basho made
dokomade yukeru ai wo shinjite ii basho madeyoru no mukou futari dake de
English Translation:
Moon's curse in this icy dream...
In a world with no words, I profess my love Until it will reach you, someday The intense wish that fell from those lips That I held close with wounded arms I wanted to unravel it for you Because if I throw away the beauty Of our love that existed in the past I can go towards a more beautiful night tomorrow
Moon's curse From this icy dream I wanted to take you far away How far can I go Until I reach a place where I can believe in love
By ways only a child who knows no pain can do You close yourself off to the world Your first words of love that you whispered at my ear eyes that hide nothing I want to deceive them If I could hold you and know that I can keep you warm I am not afraid of any punishment or sin
Moon's curse We awake from the icy dream And I float aimlessly, connected to you How far shall we go Until we gain the silence of love
Because If I throw away the beauty of our love that existed in the past I can go towards a more beautiful night tomorrow
Moon's curse From this icy dream I wanted to take you far away How far can we go Until we reach a place where we can believe in love
How far can we go Until we reach a place where we can believe in love Beyond the night, just the two of us
phew... this is loong...
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Cow is ALRIGHT!!!
4.8km again today.
Legs uber tired.
Long day today, up to 5.40, with PE as the last period. Chemistry prac was kinda rushing cause my burette had a problem, and it kept leaking! I wasted like 2 flasks!!
Norvyn was great today! He managed to keep running and didnt stop!
Proud of you! Like I only improved by 1 min but he improved by 3!!
Super miss alot of people, like Si Hui (11 days), Eunice Cheow (Too many days...), Jun You (11 days), Tracie (48 days), Syafiq and Jian Sheng (Since prom) and so many others!!!
Emotionally drained..
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
The house meeting today was not really nice. They turned a short and simple speech into an hour long of groaning and cheering.
Ok, but JCS rocked today. We learnt how to draw manga, then had a hand in drumming. The drums were pretty cool. Had to hand actions too. May go into drums. haha.
Tomorrow's a long day, stretching up to 5.40, with PE... Running 4.8 AGAIN...
Ate my first ice-cream of 2007! Connetto ChocVanilla. One of my faves. Totally fulfilled my day.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Met one today...
Was at the pasar malam outside cwp after sch, wanted to buy hp protective cover, then the guy selling the cover immediately take one down and put on my phone. Usually I don't really like this, but then the cover was really not bad, so i ask him how much. He say $5. Then I ask him can lower abit anot, cause $5 like very expensive, but he was already entertaining another customer. I asked him again and he said "Okay la, okay la, 5 dollars".
I was like diao at him for a moment, then i realised that there was no point in bargaining so i bought the cover (cause it was nice).
Ran 4.8km during pe today. It was a killer...
Oh, yea. Went to vista to photocopy bio notes and change my watch battery. Decided to pop in at sweettalk to buy bubble tea. Okay, then i got my bubble tea, and i shook it at the counter cause my hands were kinda full. Shake shake shake then my handphone vibrated...... and I hit the cup of jelly displayed on the counter.
Luckily the salesperson was kinda sweet (sweettalk mah). She just say its ok and she nvr showed any sign of displeasure. Just clean up. Wa! Expected to get a scolding or at least a "tsk". Never expected this kind of expression.
Okay, so in the unlikely event that you happen to be the girl behind the sweettalk counter and you happan to be reading this, I extend my apologies. Make you so busy (even though you were busy already).
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Happy today! (But abit heart pain... sobs)(This colour is sooo cool)(lol)
Went to citylink with EuniceO, Pei Xian and Kong Cheng. Then off to Marina. Mission: Bag and shoes. Px needed both tennis and running shoes, while i needed a bag and track shoes. Finally gave up on my track shoes, after the sole and the base came off despite having wasted 3/4 tube of super glue on it. My bag, well, not one you would want to be carrying on a rainy day. A gigantic hole at the top.
Marina.... kinda like a wasted trip except for the memories collected. Didn't really find any good shoes there and ate a $20 meal at NEW YORK NEW YORK. It would have been an even deeper heart ache if not for the hilarious chicken. Px and Eunice shared this brats and we ordered calamari rings. Candy floss was free so we went to take some. Apparently, px just wanted to make the candy floss, not eat it, and Kc ended up eating 2 candy floss. I abandoned mine halfway through. Kc and me shared a whole spring chicken. The meat was very tender and soft. Yum! So we ate and ate and i noticed the hole in the middle of the chicken and I promptly stuck my fork in, and out came some small pieces of 'brain like' things. I think its stuffing or something, but anyway, i just put that in my mouth and regretted it immediately. Horrible. Yucks!
Funnily, the left overs of the chicken was in the shape of another small chicken. So Kc was like using the cutlery and making weird actions with the chicken. Px made a short video of it. We were laughing like crazy and i think the people around us were kinda shocked.
After we ate it was about 6. Eunice had to go so the 3 of us went to Buana Vista where we attempted to take a bus to Queensway. Ended up taking taxi. The first few shops were kinda like the same price in orchard, if not more expensive. Considered a Nike, Oasics and Kappa for a moment. Then we went to this shoe shop which was almost like heaven to my wallet. The Adidas that I quite wanted was, shall we say, much cheaper than the rest of the shops! In fact, all the shoes there were cheap. Px bought a white one with orange designs, while I bought a black and white one. Saved $90!!
Doodled around the rest of the shops, armed with our trusty bubble teas. Saw some really nice Zinc bags and Px bought one first, then she kinda needed to spend 20 bucks more to get a membership, and since Iwas attracted to a certain bag 2 weeks ago (The bag shop close down...), I decided to buy that bag at around $28. But Px's bag still nicer. Darn cute mascot.
Took 961 home and the trip was super long. About 50 mins...
Gotta collect edusave tomorrow. Need to wait for about 2 hours... Not looking forward to it.
Friday, January 12, 2007
PE and JC dont mix
Today was kinda like mini sports day for me. PE invovled runnig 3.2km in the rain, around what they call 'teletubby hill', which is 801 metres per round. Was drizzling when we went our for the run and by the time i hit the halfway stage, the wind was letting loose a hellish screech. Went bacck to the foyer and did push-ups(27), crutches(27) and tug-jumps(21) cause the rain was too heavy. After that it drizzled again so we continued running. About half-way through the 2nd round it rained again, but this time we did not sop. Ran the remaining in the rain. Completely drenched, rain on the outside, sweat on the inside. Running 4km next week...
After sch went to sports hall to play badminton with Eunice, Joel and Px. Played doubles, first Eunice was with me, then i was with Joel. So funny watching Joel and Px doing their 'actions'. CUTE!!! Joel was doing this imitation of tennis players and went "Ahh" when he hit the shuttle. Oh, i accidentely hit Joel (Smash) on the butt with the shuttle.
Gonna play bball tml if it doesn't rain. Dont rain!!!
Rained Cows and Bulls today, many many showers. Very wet day. I think i have become ONE with my umbrella, or rather, Yixin's umbrella. Heard that yesterday, when me and Px went to ARC, that rain which lasted for 5 hours, caused like so many roads to be flooded. 103mm (or 105), or 10.3cm of rain.
Funnily, I prefer the other subjects over math now... I cant really get what the lecturer (and the notes) is saying sometimes, and I have decided to leave math tutorial to the last. On another note, econs rocks. haha. juse finished the tutorial and i so love it. hehe.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Went to ARC for dinner with px, then when we headed bacck it was raining goats and lambs. Wanted to take taxi at first, but ended up taking the bus. Kept stepping too hard, and the water ended up in px's slipper. She ended up walking into like foot deep water in her slippers. There was one part near the mrt where the water flowed of from the slope, making the water level about ankle deep.
Poor px.
Saw Zilin, Man Quan and Mess at the dinner. Regonised some other ppl but didnt remember their names. Sorry!
I need to join a cca that involves vigorous exercise!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
to stay, i hope.
So orientation's over, and lectures are churning in. Miss orientation >.<
Lectures are kinda boring, but there are different skills you need for different subjects. For bio, you need a sharp ear, sharp mind and quick hand, or important notes go down the drain... Miss Mr Chong's teaching...
Maths, Econs and Chem rather simple cause the lectures are slow. Then there's Process Skills... That one, you will need lots of coffee, tea, or anything to keep you awake.
Okay, so went bacck to WRS yesterday to visit the teachers!! Saw Mdm Chong, Mdm Timah, Mr Roy, Ms Selina, Mrs Goh, Mrs Ngoh, and even had a quick chat with the new principal, Mrs Kok from Serangoon JC. Very nice lady!
Went for the iBCS(Innova Broadcasting Station) audition on monday, and was supposed to go to their welcome tea today, bad sadly it clashed with Japanese Cultural Society, so we decided to head off to JCS instead. Very fun!! Marsha and Sushi Boy. Whahahaha!!!
Waited for the rest and then all of us (An Rui, EuniceO, Kelly, Karen, Pei Xian, Yun Xun, Zi Gui, Shyani, Zhi Jun. sorry if i miss anyone out >.< I know there should be more) walked to cwp where we split and went our respective ways.
Rest of last week:
5th Jan Friday
Last day of orientation
Amazing Race!! Walked and ran from time to time from one side of woodlands to the other. Tired, but it was fulfilling. Went to Vista to eat after the race, then bacck to school for cca fair! signed up for new media arts, jcs and shooting. haha. Typical of me. No vigourous sports^^ Then it was clan meeting where we learnt the dance we would be doing at the clan performance. Turned out rather well. We won the amazing race, but sadly, lost out in the performance to the suprabeings and they clinched the title. haha. nvm. Had fun, and thats the most important!!
Stayed home saturday.... nothing much...
Went to orchard with px and sunday! Went to heeren to look for stuff but failed miserably. Then off to FEP for XXL chicken and bubble tea. hehe. Met up with jy at wisma and went to look for stuff. haha
ok, so that about my weekend. haha.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Subject matter
Same civics group as An Rui, Zhi Jun, Karen, Eunice and Kelly. We make up like almost one-third of the class! Then some of the guys from the other schs didnt really talk much, but can tell that they are really nice ppl. hope to get to know them better.
Ok, so all of us were split into 4 teams, basically Olympians, Prome-something, Titans and Suprabeings. Funny how our team (Olympians) from soooo soft cheer become so loud. haha. Kinda surprised me.
Saw many familiar faces like Benjamin, Benz, Yi-Dou Hua (sorry. forgot name liao. haha), Vivien and another Christ Church guy whom name i have also forgotten cause he has a twin brother. haha.
Oue OGL rocks! Love ya, Marshall! Head of jap cultural summore. Make me like her even more. If she watches School Rumble then she rocks even more. haha.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Hopefully the sun got me tanned. haha.
Came bacck with Dominic cause we both had to leave at the same time.