Bacck from camp and everything seems so lovely at home. haha
Day 1:
Went to school only to realise Karen, Carissa and Amos are not going. Thus, the rest of us trudged to the hall for a quick briefing before heading to the buses. Slow traffic on the way. Reached Changi Coast Adventure Camp in about an hour and went to our bunks. the bunks were about 18m by 5m rooms, with wooden planks on both sidesw of a concrete central pathway. relatively cool and mosquito free.
We were up for lunch duty so we served the food, ate, and then Act 1: Kayaking!! had to joic 0714a cause they didnt let us use the single kayaks and my cls had an odd number. Almost kayaked to bedok jetty by myself cause my partner was having a free ride.. He kayaked for awhile, stop, then kayak awhile, stop again. haha. Beached up and then kayaked back. Luckily, my partner made a better effort in helping me, or else my hand could have just dropped off.
Dinner followed, with the well awaited bathe time next. Waited for like 20mins for a cubicle.. Then there was house meeting where we needed to decide what to do for the campfire. Pacer and cg rep meeting next, so missed most of the campfire stuff.
Supper was an affair with milo (1 tub condensed milk + 1 spoon milo powder) and curry puff (or as the odac leader said, curry pok, The milo was sweet, but it was perfect to end of the day.
Day 2:Woke up at 4.15am and lay in bed with arm aches till 5am. It seems that whatever orientation that i sleep in, my arm will start aching, then it would spread to my wriset, and finally my fourth finger. Agony.
Bathed and went for morning pysical training. We did like 100++ jumping jacks and alot more, including running.
Act 2: Orienteering. Ran around Pulau Ubin in amazing race style. Had to take pictures of the checkpoints. Very nice and quite physical. Drank 100plus!! woo!! (First time I'm so excited over a can of 100plus.)
Back to camp for lunch and the Act 3: Rafting + Dragon Boating. The raft we made was half-floating, but we managed to paddle to the instructor's kayak and paddle bacck without losing anything. Dragon Boating was funn!! We made 250m in 59s =)
Day 3: Nothing much today.. Pt was okay. Packed up, cleaned up the bunks, and went to the canteen where Aquila was announced the winner!!! 0711a made 2nd! 1st and 3rd place went to 0714a and 0712c respectively, both of which were also from Aquila. Great job!!
Had leadership seminar today and we had this character evaluation thing. 4 topics were discussed and questioned. Each topic had 11 questions, and we could only answer 'yes' or 'no'.
1) Introvert v.s. Extrovert
6 : 5
2) Sensing v.s. Intuitive
9 : 2
3) Feeling v.s. Thinking
9 : 2
4) Judging v.s. Percieving
5 : 6
Funn funn
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
I have just realised something that has struck me left, right and center.
Despite my last blogskin (the optimistic one) and despite me having optimist thoughts, my blog name sincerly reminded me of my views towards life probably around 3 years back. For those of you who are screaming and fainting, waiting to hear my blog name, its actually 'dark soul'. Quite an ironic name for a blog the percieves optimism as it's primary idea and school of thought.
But the more i think, the more i realise how much my viewpoint, if not childish then somewhat adolescent, has changed, particularly during my upper sec years, and if we zoom in, the main part of this whole exciting drama serial was probably that of end 2005 and 2006, where i feel that i had something to the likes of extreme makeover, not in appearence, but in terms of lifestyle, the way i percieve life, and how i live it. As i became closer to more people, and even closer to my already close friends, my life seemingly brightened up, and i saw more light than darkness.
However, with more light, you will see more dust. In an optimist's view point, even something very bad can have good points. Somtimes, this point is imagined, and may not be a true fact. What one sees, others may not see. What other's see, one may not see.
Sometimes, because of this long-term optimism, some optimists quite often fail to detect how much pain or suffering another individual is going through because they themselves have brushed all negative view of life off their shoulders. Therefore, they could unknowingly become indifferent to the feelings of others. When an optimist realises this, he tries to change certain parts of his life, tries to understand such feelings, and even though many do suceed, many others often fail.
That brings me back to 3 years ago, where perhaps i was still living with the excitement of the dark. I still love the dark, and i'm particularly active at night. But the 'dark' thought 3 years back was probably not the real me. It was a cocoon, encasing my true soul. However, what is my true soul and what is not? Could optimism be just another shell beyond the cocoon?
Perhaps, it is still 'dark soul'
Despite my last blogskin (the optimistic one) and despite me having optimist thoughts, my blog name sincerly reminded me of my views towards life probably around 3 years back. For those of you who are screaming and fainting, waiting to hear my blog name, its actually 'dark soul'. Quite an ironic name for a blog the percieves optimism as it's primary idea and school of thought.
But the more i think, the more i realise how much my viewpoint, if not childish then somewhat adolescent, has changed, particularly during my upper sec years, and if we zoom in, the main part of this whole exciting drama serial was probably that of end 2005 and 2006, where i feel that i had something to the likes of extreme makeover, not in appearence, but in terms of lifestyle, the way i percieve life, and how i live it. As i became closer to more people, and even closer to my already close friends, my life seemingly brightened up, and i saw more light than darkness.
However, with more light, you will see more dust. In an optimist's view point, even something very bad can have good points. Somtimes, this point is imagined, and may not be a true fact. What one sees, others may not see. What other's see, one may not see.
Sometimes, because of this long-term optimism, some optimists quite often fail to detect how much pain or suffering another individual is going through because they themselves have brushed all negative view of life off their shoulders. Therefore, they could unknowingly become indifferent to the feelings of others. When an optimist realises this, he tries to change certain parts of his life, tries to understand such feelings, and even though many do suceed, many others often fail.
That brings me back to 3 years ago, where perhaps i was still living with the excitement of the dark. I still love the dark, and i'm particularly active at night. But the 'dark' thought 3 years back was probably not the real me. It was a cocoon, encasing my true soul. However, what is my true soul and what is not? Could optimism be just another shell beyond the cocoon?
Perhaps, it is still 'dark soul'
Friday, March 23, 2007
Ok, I have not updated in a long time, and I dare not incur your wrath any further. Thus, I shall write a post which will so colourfully cover the events that transpired over the past few days.
You don’t believe me, do you? My life would bore you to death. I’ll just cover the important points then. I realized to day that Sophia looked amazingly familiar, and thus, I did a rewind on my memory and correctly deduced that she was indeed one of my group mates at obs 2 years ago! Haha. I went like ‘Sophia, what sec sch were you from?’
‘Oh!! Obs, right?’
‘Ya! I found you familiar also!’
Thus a short but detailed conversation followed where we racked our brains to remember obs facts, such as our other mates like Marc, Kenneth, and our group name (Raleigh).
Chance, chance.
Funny how this kind of things can happen. Like An Qi is also in my school! Jian bang too!
Cca fair today after school, same old, same old. Chose JCS. Kinda obvious, huh? Met Kong Cheng after school, and went to eat at KPT. Interesting chat about best friends having telepathy etc. hahas
Preparing for camp!! Need to buy loads of stuff tml!!
AZA!!! .
You don’t believe me, do you? My life would bore you to death. I’ll just cover the important points then. I realized to day that Sophia looked amazingly familiar, and thus, I did a rewind on my memory and correctly deduced that she was indeed one of my group mates at obs 2 years ago! Haha. I went like ‘Sophia, what sec sch were you from?’
‘Oh!! Obs, right?’
‘Ya! I found you familiar also!’
Thus a short but detailed conversation followed where we racked our brains to remember obs facts, such as our other mates like Marc, Kenneth, and our group name (Raleigh).
Chance, chance.
Funny how this kind of things can happen. Like An Qi is also in my school! Jian bang too!
Cca fair today after school, same old, same old. Chose JCS. Kinda obvious, huh? Met Kong Cheng after school, and went to eat at KPT. Interesting chat about best friends having telepathy etc. hahas
Preparing for camp!! Need to buy loads of stuff tml!!
AZA!!! .
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Monday, March 19, 2007
What our hearts desire, fate seems to desire it more, and sometimes grab them from us. For us, nothing - at least in a materialistic view – lasts a lifetime. Friends come and go, and sometimes you can’t help but feel sad, but at the same time, feel happy for your friends are leaving for brighter futures.
Yesterday was Zi Yond’s farewell party. Although the atmosphere was a fun and happy one, one cannot miss the feeling of longing that lingered over the burning stoves.
Perhaps, this is what they call a bitter-sweet event.
Yesterday was Zi Yond’s farewell party. Although the atmosphere was a fun and happy one, one cannot miss the feeling of longing that lingered over the burning stoves.
Perhaps, this is what they call a bitter-sweet event.
Friday, March 16, 2007
First of all, HAPPY BDAE HAO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dinner with cousin and aunt:
we are like eating rice and chilli xD
no la... there were dishes.. blogger is so eratic nowadays. Like Karen changed her blog song but its still the old song, then sometimes its the new song, and this afternoon, there was no song at all.. And si hui's tagboard oso!! haha. My tagboard too.. doesnt really show up all the time.
Dinner with cousin and aunt:
Oh, and i'm bacck in 0711a, and we hit a record high of 16 ppl in our class. yes, 16. Previously, we had 12 people at the end of PAE, lost 2 ppl (AN RUI!!! CIXIN!!!!) along the way.
Oh, i think there are only at msot 5 guys, so its a sort-of female dominated class. Hope Mr Lim is my ct again!! I msg him but unfortunately, he didnt reply =(
Once again, i think sad season has settled in... So many sad things.. hais... many of which you all know about so i will not elaborate further cause i dont want to deepen the mood further
wish you well
Monday, March 12, 2007
Right, from my cousin's blog... haha.. bo liao now doing chem tut. hahas
1.Name 2 ppl who made you smile today.
Kong cheng, Karen
2. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
Eating my homemade japanese curry noodles
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
chem tutorial... zzz
4. What is something that happened to you in 1992?
why 1992?
5. What is the last thing you said aloud?
hey, i'm going!
6. How many different drinks did you drink today?
water, white chrysanthemum tea (eewww), strawberry red tea (YUM!!)
7. What color is your hairbrush?
erm... does a comb count? and no, i dont even have a comb. okay, i have one, but i havent used it for over a year.
8. What was the last thing you bought?
white chrysanthemum tea (yes, sad right?)
9. Who was the last person you kissed?
mummy or daddy. either one >.<
10. What color is your front door?
blue (i think)
11. Where do you keep your change?
erm... where anyone would normally keep it
12. What is the weather like today?
13. What is the best ice cream flavor?
vanilla, mango and mocha (yes, i know. FLAVOUR. but i can't choose between the 3)
14. What is something you are excited about?
erm... no idea...
15. When was the last rainbow you saw?
i think it was a year back, tohugh the one i vividly remember seeing was the one in Japan in 2003
16. What size shoe do you wear?
i'm no cinderella
18. Are you very random?
if you think so...
19. Do you want to cut your hair?
when the side burns start sticking 45 degrees out due to my specs
20. Are you over the age of 25?
21. Do you talk a lot?
do i?
22. Do you watch The O.C?
1 episode. does that count?
23. Does your screen name have an "x" in it?
no.. its like mystory!
24. Do you know anyone named Steven?
don't think so... though i have a hazy view of a primary school classmate.
25. Do you make up your own words?
roflmaol, though i think someone has made it up already. try wilson's: omgwthbbq
26. Are you ticklish?
27. Are you typically a jealous person?
if i say no, its a lie.
28. Name someone whose name starts with the letter "R":
Rochester? (it said name someone.. not necessarily a friend)
29. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter "N":
30. Who's the 1st person on your received calls list?
Kong Cheng
oh well, thats it!
really bo liao hor... hahas
1.Name 2 ppl who made you smile today.
Kong cheng, Karen
2. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
Eating my homemade japanese curry noodles
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
chem tutorial... zzz
4. What is something that happened to you in 1992?
why 1992?
5. What is the last thing you said aloud?
hey, i'm going!
6. How many different drinks did you drink today?
water, white chrysanthemum tea (eewww), strawberry red tea (YUM!!)
7. What color is your hairbrush?
erm... does a comb count? and no, i dont even have a comb. okay, i have one, but i havent used it for over a year.
8. What was the last thing you bought?
white chrysanthemum tea (yes, sad right?)
9. Who was the last person you kissed?
mummy or daddy. either one >.<
10. What color is your front door?
blue (i think)
11. Where do you keep your change?
erm... where anyone would normally keep it
12. What is the weather like today?
13. What is the best ice cream flavor?
vanilla, mango and mocha (yes, i know. FLAVOUR. but i can't choose between the 3)
14. What is something you are excited about?
erm... no idea...
15. When was the last rainbow you saw?
i think it was a year back, tohugh the one i vividly remember seeing was the one in Japan in 2003
16. What size shoe do you wear?
i'm no cinderella
18. Are you very random?
if you think so...
19. Do you want to cut your hair?
when the side burns start sticking 45 degrees out due to my specs
20. Are you over the age of 25?
21. Do you talk a lot?
do i?
22. Do you watch The O.C?
1 episode. does that count?
23. Does your screen name have an "x" in it?
no.. its like mystory!
24. Do you know anyone named Steven?
don't think so... though i have a hazy view of a primary school classmate.
25. Do you make up your own words?
roflmaol, though i think someone has made it up already. try wilson's: omgwthbbq
26. Are you ticklish?
27. Are you typically a jealous person?
if i say no, its a lie.
28. Name someone whose name starts with the letter "R":
Rochester? (it said name someone.. not necessarily a friend)
29. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter "N":
30. Who's the 1st person on your received calls list?
Kong Cheng
oh well, thats it!
really bo liao hor... hahas
Sunday, March 11, 2007
0711a PAE videos
Thanks Zhi Jun for these videos of 0711a! They are the same except that they have different seetings. Persoanlly, I think both are good. Enjoy!
Oh, and 0711a pics are added to the 'lurves' portion ^^
0711a PAE ~ Mr Lim Heng Lee, Tuhin, Novyn, Hong Liang, Tian Kian, Susanty, Parveen, Cixin, Suba, Kelly, Eunice, Karen, Zhi Jun, Darren
Oh, and 0711a pics are added to the 'lurves' portion ^^
0711a PAE ~ Mr Lim Heng Lee, Tuhin, Novyn, Hong Liang, Tian Kian, Susanty, Parveen, Cixin, Suba, Kelly, Eunice, Karen, Zhi Jun, Darren
Saturday, March 10, 2007
4e1 bbq
Right, firstly, my apologies to kc... you shld know why I apologise for, so there's no need for me the elaborate any further. Sorry!!!!!!!!!
Went to see doctor today at 2 but apparently, the clinic was closed... So, i arrived at causeway point 1 hour prior to our meeting time of 3.30. Thus, I proceeded to the library where I read this cute book called 'love is'. It is a compilation of these drawings that a woman gave her husband everyday and every one has a unique meaning.
Ok, then I went to breadtalk and met zj and Tania, then we waited for Kelly cause zj and me thought that they were gg si hui's hse with us... So when Kelly arrived, we left them and went over to civics centre busstop where Eunnice C and Px were happily munching away on fries and nugguts. No wonder they didnt want to come over to cwp....
Bought charcoal and various items at ntuc at the Woodgrove. It was so odd la. I asked the assistant theree if there were and halal sausages and she said they wasnt any. Then we walked around and found about 4 brands of halal sausages... Bought starters as well. Tracie ordered a cheese pancake but sadly, the shop was closed of fridays.
So we heaved our load to the bbq pit and left everything there. Went up and found out that we should have brought the crab sticks and sausages up so we went down again... Washed the food and poked satay sticks through for the bbq. Andrew was, meanwhile, in the kitchen preparing his spag. Went out with px and karen to fetch Min Hui. Played badminton with tracie and had to go down to hte carpark twice to retrieve the shuttle. px and tracie played in the carpark for awhile, then we headed bacck up.
The bbq started at about 7. Thanks to Si Hui's grandma who helped us start the fire! Joel came and he got into CJC! congrats! Thanks for the flower!
After awhile, the guys came and soon enough, all the guys got dunked into the pool. I was walking away from the pool when i was grabbed, lifted of the ground, and thrown in (with my slippers on). Pity the people in the pool.
Got up and bbq some food, gave to eunice and the rest at the table. Then I went to lie down on the deck chair to watch the stars. There was this discussion on which star was polaris. The one we deduced was polaris at first turned out to be a satalite as we witnessed it moving. We were also discussing on how astrologists could see the shape of the horoscope like scorpius, cancer etc.
Si Li, Syafiq and Farhan came and we went to greet them. Sat by the pool to talk to Tracie (who was swimming) and guess what. Yep, i got dunked again. this time, though, they asked 'you want to jump in or we throw you in?' I chose to jump in, but in the end, I still got thrown. It was pretty fun, though. We sawn fully clothed in the pool. Went up and wanted to eat spag but unfortunately, it was all gone. So, i took a spoon, and went to the pot of sauce! Weee! Nice nice.
Proceeded to the playground where karen and I tried to figure out this puzzle thing. We were later joined by Joel, where we managed to spot a red car, a black dog, and a sun (the puzzle was made such that when you turn its pieces, it would give you different pictures, and the pieces were round. it was a vertical puzzle where you had to rotate the pieces). Joel tied karen's hair in a unique way, and someone suggested that she spiked her long hair.
Talked to Syafiq and Min Hui about the future and poly and JCs. Apparently, we forgot about the time and missed about 10 minutes of the 10pm show. Watched for a moment, then changed and continued watching. It was erm... quite fake. The gunman was so slow that he only managed to fire 2 shots after the two people ran 4 metres and rounded a bend. And apparently, the woman, who is a police inspector, knocked one of the gunmen down by flinging a calender (I think it was a calender, the ones you put on your desk. Either that or the counter bell) at him.
After the show went home with karen, px, eunice c, zj, Tania. Yi Xin and Su Hui. Dominic and Eunice took cab home. Parted ways at cwp and I took 900 home.
Slept peacefully.
Thank you 4e1 for your company!
Went to see doctor today at 2 but apparently, the clinic was closed... So, i arrived at causeway point 1 hour prior to our meeting time of 3.30. Thus, I proceeded to the library where I read this cute book called 'love is'. It is a compilation of these drawings that a woman gave her husband everyday and every one has a unique meaning.
Ok, then I went to breadtalk and met zj and Tania, then we waited for Kelly cause zj and me thought that they were gg si hui's hse with us... So when Kelly arrived, we left them and went over to civics centre busstop where Eunnice C and Px were happily munching away on fries and nugguts. No wonder they didnt want to come over to cwp....
Bought charcoal and various items at ntuc at the Woodgrove. It was so odd la. I asked the assistant theree if there were and halal sausages and she said they wasnt any. Then we walked around and found about 4 brands of halal sausages... Bought starters as well. Tracie ordered a cheese pancake but sadly, the shop was closed of fridays.
So we heaved our load to the bbq pit and left everything there. Went up and found out that we should have brought the crab sticks and sausages up so we went down again... Washed the food and poked satay sticks through for the bbq. Andrew was, meanwhile, in the kitchen preparing his spag. Went out with px and karen to fetch Min Hui. Played badminton with tracie and had to go down to hte carpark twice to retrieve the shuttle. px and tracie played in the carpark for awhile, then we headed bacck up.
The bbq started at about 7. Thanks to Si Hui's grandma who helped us start the fire! Joel came and he got into CJC! congrats! Thanks for the flower!
After awhile, the guys came and soon enough, all the guys got dunked into the pool. I was walking away from the pool when i was grabbed, lifted of the ground, and thrown in (with my slippers on). Pity the people in the pool.
Got up and bbq some food, gave to eunice and the rest at the table. Then I went to lie down on the deck chair to watch the stars. There was this discussion on which star was polaris. The one we deduced was polaris at first turned out to be a satalite as we witnessed it moving. We were also discussing on how astrologists could see the shape of the horoscope like scorpius, cancer etc.
Si Li, Syafiq and Farhan came and we went to greet them. Sat by the pool to talk to Tracie (who was swimming) and guess what. Yep, i got dunked again. this time, though, they asked 'you want to jump in or we throw you in?' I chose to jump in, but in the end, I still got thrown. It was pretty fun, though. We sawn fully clothed in the pool. Went up and wanted to eat spag but unfortunately, it was all gone. So, i took a spoon, and went to the pot of sauce! Weee! Nice nice.
Proceeded to the playground where karen and I tried to figure out this puzzle thing. We were later joined by Joel, where we managed to spot a red car, a black dog, and a sun (the puzzle was made such that when you turn its pieces, it would give you different pictures, and the pieces were round. it was a vertical puzzle where you had to rotate the pieces). Joel tied karen's hair in a unique way, and someone suggested that she spiked her long hair.
Talked to Syafiq and Min Hui about the future and poly and JCs. Apparently, we forgot about the time and missed about 10 minutes of the 10pm show. Watched for a moment, then changed and continued watching. It was erm... quite fake. The gunman was so slow that he only managed to fire 2 shots after the two people ran 4 metres and rounded a bend. And apparently, the woman, who is a police inspector, knocked one of the gunmen down by flinging a calender (I think it was a calender, the ones you put on your desk. Either that or the counter bell) at him.
After the show went home with karen, px, eunice c, zj, Tania. Yi Xin and Su Hui. Dominic and Eunice took cab home. Parted ways at cwp and I took 900 home.
Slept peacefully.
Thank you 4e1 for your company!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
orientation today... doesn't seem like orietation at all la. All talks...
Oh, and i met kairos!!! My pri sch buddy!! I didnt realise he was sitting in fromt of me, like directly in front until he turned ard and asked 'you are darren, right?'
Nostalgia.. haha
Did you guys feel the tremours yesterday? I felt the first 1, quite a strong vibration. like come on. Even someone with large amounts of fats like me shook for about 5 seconds. I wasn't very worried at first even when karen told me it was tremours (i thought it was some vibration or something until karen asked me if i felt anything at my hse). Then, channel newsasia had this calling thing where ppl called in to talk about their experience and the more they spoke, the more i began to feel scared... haha..
oh, there were vibrations the day before oso, if you didnt notice. i was in bed then there was this short 1 second vibration. i thought it was my handphone, but then it wasnt. apparently joel felt it too. haha.
sick... shouldnt have eaten that fried chicken cutlet at lunch. i kinda forgot i had sore throat and just jumped into the queue for the cutlet. haha. greedy pig.
bought the new sch uni today. it was so eeeww... esp the girl's uni. NO PLEATS! like its so ugly... even my jcs senior agreed.
i may or may not be going tml. it all boils down to my medical condition.
during the talks today, there was this performance by the choir, and Kairos and some other girl from my grp were poking fun at them. yea, it was quite funny, but also quite critical, so i kept some of the more sacarstic comments to myself. haha
sad.. 0711a!!!!!! sobsob
orientation today... doesn't seem like orietation at all la. All talks...
Oh, and i met kairos!!! My pri sch buddy!! I didnt realise he was sitting in fromt of me, like directly in front until he turned ard and asked 'you are darren, right?'
Nostalgia.. haha
Did you guys feel the tremours yesterday? I felt the first 1, quite a strong vibration. like come on. Even someone with large amounts of fats like me shook for about 5 seconds. I wasn't very worried at first even when karen told me it was tremours (i thought it was some vibration or something until karen asked me if i felt anything at my hse). Then, channel newsasia had this calling thing where ppl called in to talk about their experience and the more they spoke, the more i began to feel scared... haha..
oh, there were vibrations the day before oso, if you didnt notice. i was in bed then there was this short 1 second vibration. i thought it was my handphone, but then it wasnt. apparently joel felt it too. haha.
sick... shouldnt have eaten that fried chicken cutlet at lunch. i kinda forgot i had sore throat and just jumped into the queue for the cutlet. haha. greedy pig.
bought the new sch uni today. it was so eeeww... esp the girl's uni. NO PLEATS! like its so ugly... even my jcs senior agreed.
i may or may not be going tml. it all boils down to my medical condition.
during the talks today, there was this performance by the choir, and Kairos and some other girl from my grp were poking fun at them. yea, it was quite funny, but also quite critical, so i kept some of the more sacarstic comments to myself. haha
sad.. 0711a!!!!!! sobsob
Monday, March 05, 2007
0711A had its sort-of farewell party today.. Was kinda sad that I may not be able to keep the same CT cause Mr Lim is so nice! Ate at pizza hut. Will upload the pics as a set when i get all of them.
Went to take neoprints next. Walked around causeway point trying to find a place to scan and print out our neoprints so that everyone could get a large copy. This effort proved futile as the shop did not have photo paper. thus, we went bacck to the neoperint shop and made the best of our prints.
Oh, and I got Jack Johnson's cd 'In betwwen dreams' today. Totally rocks.
After watching Ouran High School Host Club, I feel like learning the waltz!
Waltz waltz waltz waltz, waltz waltz waltz
Went to take neoprints next. Walked around causeway point trying to find a place to scan and print out our neoprints so that everyone could get a large copy. This effort proved futile as the shop did not have photo paper. thus, we went bacck to the neoperint shop and made the best of our prints.
Oh, and I got Jack Johnson's cd 'In betwwen dreams' today. Totally rocks.
After watching Ouran High School Host Club, I feel like learning the waltz!
Waltz waltz waltz waltz, waltz waltz waltz
Sunday, March 04, 2007
identification, please
Went to eat it with my parents. Was supposed to go to the career fair but decided not to go in the end. So, we went to Swensens to eat it. The green apple scoop was very refreshing, and my favorite was the mango and coffee scoop. As evident from the above pictures, mint was the least popular, with several fragments of it still left behind after the meal.
Went to play pool ytd with px and kc and the lady behind the counter requested for my bus pass.... She didn't ask the both of them.. -.-'
I'm so behind with some of my friends! Winnie! Update your blog! Lets chat sometime >.<
Friday, March 02, 2007
okay, so here's the link:
This week has been rather fruitful in terms of fun stuff, but in terms of acadamically... not very good.
So far, the only A I’ve seen is chemistry, and that’s just a borderline A. So I guess my future subj combi will be H2 chem, H2 chem and H2 chem + H1 chem.
Attended geog lecture today, and I think I won’t be taking geog, mainly cause I don’t see myself memorizing all those physical geog facts. Sure, its fun to learn about physical geog and all. But still, I guess I only see myself studying human geog, not physical geog. The lecture was not really exciting and not really boring either. It was just… normal. Funnily, I find myself answering to the lecturer’s questions, something I would not normally do. So now, I’m still confused! Geog or econs…. Sigh…
Badminton today with pei xian, joel, teng long and Eunice. Teng Long played against this bunch of sec 1’s. They were very good! Then there was this match where one of them took a video of the match, and his friend got all angry and stuff. Anyway, all cool when we left.
Went to vista for dinner! I got the wrong bubble tea order.. milk tea instead of red tea, but didn't tell the person to change cause she looked like she had a hard day liao.
Going to buy POTO tickets tml (phantom of the opera)
This week has been rather fruitful in terms of fun stuff, but in terms of acadamically... not very good.
So far, the only A I’ve seen is chemistry, and that’s just a borderline A. So I guess my future subj combi will be H2 chem, H2 chem and H2 chem + H1 chem.
Attended geog lecture today, and I think I won’t be taking geog, mainly cause I don’t see myself memorizing all those physical geog facts. Sure, its fun to learn about physical geog and all. But still, I guess I only see myself studying human geog, not physical geog. The lecture was not really exciting and not really boring either. It was just… normal. Funnily, I find myself answering to the lecturer’s questions, something I would not normally do. So now, I’m still confused! Geog or econs…. Sigh…
Badminton today with pei xian, joel, teng long and Eunice. Teng Long played against this bunch of sec 1’s. They were very good! Then there was this match where one of them took a video of the match, and his friend got all angry and stuff. Anyway, all cool when we left.
Went to vista for dinner! I got the wrong bubble tea order.. milk tea instead of red tea, but didn't tell the person to change cause she looked like she had a hard day liao.
Going to buy POTO tickets tml (phantom of the opera)
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