Luo Ling told me to do this >.<
*person who tag you : Luo Ling
*my relationship with her : schoolmates, IJ
*5 impression you have on him/her : social; happy; optimistic; cheerful; extrovert
*memorable thing she/he has done for you: Boi tutorial xD
*most memorable words she has said to you : HIII!!
* if she/he becomes your lover,you will : erm...
*if he/she becomes your enemy,you will : silence her! whahahaha!
*the desirable thing you want do for him/her now is : get her to remove me from that list! haha
*your overall impression of him/her is : Good.. heh
*how do you think people arnd you feel about you : how would i know? >.<
*characteristics you love about urself : - NIL -
*characteristics you hate about urself : easily distracted.. like now!
*the most ideal person you want to be is : any compassionate person
*for people who care and like you, say sumtink to them : wo ai ni!
**pass tis quiz to 10 ppl that you wish to noe how they feel bout you :
1) Kong Cheng
2) Si Yuan
3) Audrey
4) Amos
5) Michelle Mummy
6) Derrick
7) Asher
8) PX
9) SH
*who no.6 having relationship with? : o.O cassanova xD
*Is no.9 a male/female : female
*if no.7 and no.10 are together will be a good thing : no..
*wad no.2 studying? : Got HCL!!
*wen was the last time you chat wif No.3 : just now in school & after school!
*wad type of music no.8 like : Chinese
*does no.1 has siblings : yes
*will you woo no.3 : audrey? why not? we are sisters xD
*how about no.7 : .... redundant to say more
*is no.o4 single? : Luo Ling: i think he's got a girlfriend! Me: hmmm...
*wads the surname of no.5 : ehh... gotta check
*wads the hobby of no.4: going to church?.?
*do no.5 and no.9 get along well : they dont know each other xD
*where no.2 is studying : TKSS
*say sumtink casual about no.1 : my BFF :D
*have you tried developing feelings for no.8 : as sisters?
*where No.9 live : upp. Thompson please!
*What colour no.4 likes : erm... black?
*are no.1 and no.5 best friends : no... dont know each other..
*does no.7 like no.2 : again, case of dont know each other
*how you get to know no.2 : MAPLESTORY XD
*does no.1 has any pets : nope
*is no.7 the sexiest person in the world : his eyes are, :xhis attire maybe (hint: umberella!)