Sunday, June 29, 2008
Me: You don't want to put the board up so the cat cant come in?
Papa: Oh ya. *goes to put up board
P: I think I'm smarter than the cat
M: Why leh?
P: Cause I'm batman
At this point I look at him with the blank look
P: Cause the cat is catwoman
M: . . .
I didnt say anything cause I dunno whether to give the diao look or to laugh, cause it was just so random!
Oh, and I'm not very happy now. Cause my plans have been ruined.
1st is that there's bio lecture on wednesday.. Okay la.. nvm. I convinced myself it was good.
I was actually planning on gg to Queenstown on Tuesday after the paper, but there's some survey thingy after chem, so nvm.. I thought.. I'll go on wednesday after bio lecture. Then this morning the student's council told me that there is briefing at 3pm on wednesday.. zzzzzzzzz
Its like the only day I can afford to spare some time to buy my stuff and its all gone! How can someone go to Queenstown and back in 4 hours? At this rate, I'll never get my shoes! Postponed from May to June to after Prelim 1.... And there was something else I needed to buy there too!
But on a brighter note, I'm gg to cosfest@downtowneast on sunday, since monday is youth day! I told aud I'm gonna dress up abit but I havent thought about it yet.
Okay, I should stop procastrinating. Bio tml. jyjy.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Went to eat botak jones with jasmine, andrew and eunice! we talk talk talk until like 2pm. Bought lunch for Hui yi and kinda 1/4 studied, 3/4 slack with sung and huiyi in sung's classroom. Kong Cheng called halfway and they thought i was flirting with a girl! haha! Yea.. sure..
Accompanied them to eat (i went home to eat!) and then to popular to buy notebook for the presentation thingy. Thanks for accompanying me although you all were soooo tired already! So sweet of you all ^^
Should be going down on 5th July if time permits to get the ex JCS members to write smth. hopefully it wont be too awkward.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Interviewer (hence forth known as I): Hi
Henry (Hence forth know as H): Yea.. So.. what do I do?
I: To get the job, Eat, and don't ask questions.
H: Gobbles down food*
H: omg? That was disgusting but I'm glad its over.
I: Wow! You finished the whole plate! You are hired! Sign here..
H: *signs
H: So tell me.. what has all that food got to do with being an accountant?
I: .... Honey, the accounting firm is next door.. But anyway you have been hired! Much easier job than being stuck next door!
H: What job...?
I: A job as an exotic food eater! You will get to travel the globe and eat exotic foods!
H: Wait... what did I just eat?
I: Oh, nothing much. Usual fare. 3 pounds of Horse balls, 3 Hairy bats, and 3 cups of expired gorilla milk.
H: !!! Wait wait wait.. I dont want the job anymore!
I: Okay. 100k please! You've signed the contract!
H: T_T
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
haha! changed her name to hot babe on my phone! I will get back at you! >.<
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Cabbed down to NUH where 2 of my aunts and uncles and 3 of my cousins were already there. My grandma had jsut gone in to the consultation room so there was hardly anything I could do but talk to my cousins I guess. Uncle also told us about how his Qi Gong skills came in handy. haha. We kinda joked about it later about him having to go back to regain his Qi.
So apparently, my grandma is not a heavy sleeper, so when my cousin couldn't wake her this morning, she got a shock too. She didnt really respond at first, but was concious when the paramedics arrived. She even argued with the paramedics and my cousins, aunt and uncle ended up having to bring her to the hospital instead of in an ambulance.
She was kinda weak in the legs and kept vomitting when she came out. Everyone was very worried. I could tell cause whenever we needed to discuss anything, we could sit down. We had to stand up! Situation was very tense. Still, initial test results didnt say anything. Decided to let her stay for more checks though. She had to wait for a ward so Uncle drove us back to grab some of her belongings. I didnt go again later but hopefully I can wake up early tml to go with my dad. If he allows me to go anyway.
Still, my dad suspects that it's a seizure cause he recgonised the symptoms from what my cousin told him. If it is, then it could be genetic. idk! For now, I just hope that she's alright.
Basically wasted my day at home, studied, but couldnt concentrate much. Dad returned at 9 plus and was really tired.
I'm tired too, so nights!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008

Picture from super long ago!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

All 3 creations from the J1s!

Walking backwards, blindfolded >.<>
Ok, now squating and moving backwards Backwards AGAIN
Backwards Bend
Caterpillar crawl blindfolded!
Crazy Grace tying her hair during the trial XD

Happy Birthday to Huiling and Miss Wang!

Random "tagboard" in one of the rooms
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Thursday, June 05, 2008
JCS camp was great!
Many thanks, especially to the J2s, Fanny, Marsha, Shun Fa and Ms Wang! Without you, the camp would not have been a success ^^
Sorry, but I'm very emo now all of a sudden.
It dawned on me that today was probably the last day we could get 07/08 JCS together as a cca =(
I miss getting bitten.
I'm starting to want to go back to camp again.
Cruel fate perhaps? Just as JCS was starting to grow closer, we are gg to step down. I certainly hope that this is not the end of our journey together.
I still want to get bitten.
I still want to go back to camp.
Day 1
Came to school and met JCS at 10. Decided to change the night trial to include a huanted house so we did one up in like an hour? Many kudos to Nikki, Huiling, James, Ji Soo, Zhi Jun and everyone who helped to set it up! It looks freaking cool luhs. Will post pics once I get them. I went home to take the jelly and decided to grab a few pieces of cloth for the haunted house. Ended up using them to clean stuff XD
Moved mats from the gym and it was like an iron man challenge! So bulky >.< up =".=" niceeeeeeeeee ="DDDDDDDDDDDDD">.< The grand finale for the trial was the super scary haunted house. Nikki was the ghost and she was super scary, although I heard Ivan just sat there and laughed at her.
Movie next! Howls Moving Castle! Since I already watched the movie, I decided not to catch it and instead, when to do some unproductive work! Came back into near the ending when Sophia saw young Howl. After the movie tried to go back to work again but failed. Went into M1-4 to try and sleep but like what I did previously, failed. Ended up walking out and meeting Eunice. We went to the foyer and played neopets! Shun Fa (J4), Marsha, James, Nikki and Huiling played cards at the locker area. I went to sleep at the foyer at like 4am? Marsha and Shun Fa were pretty irritating as they tried to secretly take photos of me and Eunice =.=!
Day 2:
Captain's ball! Dunno why but I had a lot of energy. Jessica, Nikki, Ivan, James and Ji Soo were alot super high. J2s vs J1s. I think the J2s were winning 11-10 at the break. After the break, we were on fire and led 17-12 before they started to get high and we started losing. I think we lost overall. haha.
Okay, gonna be a bit skimpy here cause i'm really really tired.
Voted for exco, phone got lost, found phone (lucky!) Thank you Mr. Wong. Also thank you Chuan Min and Grace, who helped me find my phone!
Games (splat, mu tou ren and murderer), and then announcement of exco results! Ms Wang gave the 07/08 exco each a present! I got a red Japanese Latern! Thank you Ms Wang!
So sorry the backs so skimpy, but I'm really really tired.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Tagged by Winnie! Who is back from melbourne!
(Another tag thingy)
Instruction :
Step 1 : REMOVE 1 question and ADD in your personal question to make it a total of 20 questions.
Step2 : Answer 20 questions and TAG 8 people on your list and list them out at the end of your post.
Step3 : Notify them in their that she/he in their tagboard she/he have been tagged .
1)At what age do you want to get married? 28? haha
2)Friends/boyfriends which is more important? Boyfriends? gahhh! Friends then ^^
3)Who do you trust the most? haha.. i trust my family and close friends equally
4)Do you think you have much confidence? well, depends on which area
5)If you have a dream come true, what would it be? For once, everyone will be happy and satisfied
6)Do you believe in love? Kinda.. yea
7)Use 1 word to describe yourself. FATASS
8)Do you believe in eternal love? Hmmm.. love will blossom into a deeper feeling that you wont call it love anymore, but more of an unsurmountable amount of care for that person.
9)Have you broken someone's hear so badly he/she wanted to commit sucided? I hope not.
10)What feeling do you love the most? Relaxed
11)Would you tell someone that you like the person? Perhaps.. I already did once.. after months of denying it, though it was blatantly obvious. I was such a ____ back then
12)What feeling do you hate the most? Fustration
13)Do you cherish every friendship you have? Yep.. I hope my friends feel cherished too
14)Do you beleive in God? Depends
15)What do you think is the most important thing in your life? To live by your values and principles, no matter how ppl criticise you that you are being dumb etc. Of course, these must be good values and principles!
16)Who do you hope will always be there for you? My parents, equally.
17)Who is / are your best friend(s)? Very obvious, no?18)What do you do to please yourself? (Note: this question sounds wrong) I tend to binge / pamper myself
19)Whom do I love? Family!
20)What kind of presentsdo you treasure the most? Those from the heart.
Tagging: Hui Ying, Hui Yi, Eunice Cheow, Audrey, Karen, Eunice, Amos, Winnie (just to answer the last ques xD), Chuan Min
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Name 20 people you can think of right now.Don't read the questions until you have named the 20 people.
At the end of this, choose 5 people to do this
#1. Kong Cheng
#2. jun you
#3. karen
#4. hui yi
#5. eunice
#6. grace
#7. yun hui
#8. yixin
#9. hui ying
#10. si hui
#11. pei xian
#12. andrew
#13. novyn
#14. louis
#15. sophia
#16. suxian
#17. chuan min
#18. tracie
#19. janis
#20. joel
How did you meet#14? louis - eerrr... 1st dayof J1
What would you do if you didn't meet #1? I'll probably be wailing down in some hell hole BESTY ^^
What if #9 and #20 dated? Hui Ying and Joel? Catastrophe I guess. haha. i just feel that they can click as friends
Will #6 and #17 date? grace and chuan min o.O possible! My 2 exco members!
Describe #3 Haha.. difficult to describe. complex but funn to be with
Is #8 attractive? Yi Xin Of course xD
Describe #7 Yi Hui. In a nutshell, fun-loving
Know any of #12's family members? Andrew. Directly , No.
What language doesn't #15 speaks? Sophia. Erm.. FYI! more than like 2000 languages in the world?
Who is #9 going out with? Hui Ying. o.O you all shld know
How old is #16? Su Xian, 17 plusssss 18 soon! I rmb your bdae
When was the last time you spoke to #13? Novyn - Thursday
Who is #2 favourite band/singer? Jun You - Thats hard.. erm.. Mariah?
Is #19 single? Janis - Havent been in touch much. Who knows?
What is #10 last name? Si Hui - OBASAN~!
Would you ever be in a relationship with #11? Pei Xian - only time will tell, but relationship as good friends, definately!
School of #3 Karen - Same as miiieeeee
How does #5 talk? Eunice - With her mouth
Where does #6 live? Grace - West Rukonga
What's your favourite thing about #4? Hui Yi - Nothing! cause everything about her is too good to decide :x
What's the best thing about #20? His wide smile, and ever grinning face! Always brightens up my day.
What makes #17 a good friend? Good Ko taichou!
When was the last time you saw #14? Friday, and about 20 mins ago on his friendster
Five people to do this: Louis, Karen, Novyn, Joel, Tracie
Went out to have dinner like last monday to cwp.
Joel.Kong Cheng.Andrew.Yi Xin.Su Hui.Teng Loong.Pei Xian!!
Pastamania's the place! Spinach tortallini rocks okay, no matter what ppl say!
Kong Cheng bought this really weird mushroom pizza which had a very strong mushroom taste. Oh, and he got spinach tortellini and another mushroom pasta, Minestrone (Minystrony xD) soup and garlic bread, thought we basically shared the pizza.
Let me tell you, the dinner was hilarious! Especially when you put Joel, Andrew and Kong Cheng together. I think we laughed more than we ate. Went to each a cup and we basically got us a cup each.
Oh, and Each-A-Cup has Nata de Coco!!!!! Sweettalk, eat this!
Guys, we shld eat out when we can ^^
note: sorry if this post looks oddly phrased compared to my normal posts. Its 1.21am and I havent blogged in a very long time.. so yea ^^