I like to eat. says:
I like to eat. says:
"even if you grow old, fat and ugly, or totally rich and jaw-dropping gorgeous, i will still love you!"
I like to eat. says:
so theres no need for you to lose weight
haha. thanks andrew =DD
I'm sure you will become drop dead gorgeous but even if you dont, I would still ai ni de!!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Hello =D
Darren is okay with his results. He wants better for A levels! hahaha. I got pathetic 5/30 for econs case 2. Aiya. Bo bian. Didn't study GDP at all, and I think I used the wrong indicators for the last part. So overall got 46 I think. E. Improve by 1 mark! =))
Eeyer. Bio no A, No Ajisen treat =(
I srsly think my gp is in deep sh*t.
Darren is okay with his results. He wants better for A levels! hahaha. I got pathetic 5/30 for econs case 2. Aiya. Bo bian. Didn't study GDP at all, and I think I used the wrong indicators for the last part. So overall got 46 I think. E. Improve by 1 mark! =))
Eeyer. Bio no A, No Ajisen treat =(
I srsly think my gp is in deep sh*t.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Taken from huiyi:
"Y'know I dread the time AFTER A levels than A levels itself. Other than the fun activities lined up (?), I srsly don't know what I want to do alr la. No aim, no goal, I wanna work, don't know where to start,"
Srsly. I agree. Damn. Its gg to be so boring. I guess it depends on when I get my enlistment notice. If I'm enlisted in jan it'll probably screw up all vacation plans to Japan =( I don't know if I should go back to pathlight, cause I'm beginning to think that small kids ain't my thing. But I dont deny tt volunterring there was valuable experience in which I got to know myself alot better. Teach tuition? haha. No one will hire me la. Work work work... I think my family doctor is hiring a receptionist/medicine giver (is tt what you call them?).
I think the library is super drama. lol. Cause its super quiet and you can hear what others are saying (even if you dont want to).
Some random stranger:My Chem very lousy sia. Paper 3 only get 66/80
Goodness. Go there and bish bish bish him man. 66! I can only dream. Maybe not even dream mannnn. mannnnn. mannnnn. right huiyi? mannnnn. hahahahaha!
Bitey's bdae is coming. Went shoppinh gor her present! She doesnt read this so nvm =D
I need helppp! Anyone who has paypal/credit card to buy stuff online? =DD
"Y'know I dread the time AFTER A levels than A levels itself. Other than the fun activities lined up (?), I srsly don't know what I want to do alr la. No aim, no goal, I wanna work, don't know where to start,"
Srsly. I agree. Damn. Its gg to be so boring. I guess it depends on when I get my enlistment notice. If I'm enlisted in jan it'll probably screw up all vacation plans to Japan =( I don't know if I should go back to pathlight, cause I'm beginning to think that small kids ain't my thing. But I dont deny tt volunterring there was valuable experience in which I got to know myself alot better. Teach tuition? haha. No one will hire me la. Work work work... I think my family doctor is hiring a receptionist/medicine giver (is tt what you call them?).
I think the library is super drama. lol. Cause its super quiet and you can hear what others are saying (even if you dont want to).
Some random stranger:My Chem very lousy sia. Paper 3 only get 66/80
Goodness. Go there and bish bish bish him man. 66! I can only dream. Maybe not even dream mannnn. mannnnn. mannnnn. right huiyi? mannnnn. hahahahaha!
Bitey's bdae is coming. Went shoppinh gor her present! She doesnt read this so nvm =D
I need helppp! Anyone who has paypal/credit card to buy stuff online? =DD
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Kaka didn't come today. And we finally got the sitting for prom night right! *hugs everyone who helped
Kaka came after school to collect her hmwk. Oonie made me think tt she was comign from the back gate. So I waited at the squash court for damn long! Yun Hui was there soI wasn't alone =DD Only realised tt I got the wrong gate mayb 10 minutes later? But good thing though. I was able to open the gate for Su. If nt her friend would have to come down and open the gate for her.
Thought I would get back econs today but I didn't. Got back bio paper 2 structured though. I want to get at least a B!! Only ppr 3 essay portion and ppr 2 essay portions havent got back. GP was a terrible D.
Didnt do much after sch. Ate with Oon, talked to Ivan, did 2 paragraphs of econs. Left at 3.30 cause I wasn't sure what time my tuition was. Had to go home to check the phone number and call the center.
Tuition today was fun, yet tiring. I think I like GP when I'm there. I don't really like it in school. There's more room for expression of ideas, and I think cause usually there are only 3 or 4 of us, so the exchange of ideas flow alot better. I used bio ppr 3 knowledge! haha! Bt endotoxin and Golden Rice =DD Only Jie Yi and Jasmine came today. So after tuition as usual, walked to yishun, MRTed with Jasmine.
OH! Jie Yi said smth today that mirrored my thoughts =D "You choose if you want to be happy" Well, basically, you define your own happiness. Like I always say, life's too short to be unhappy. Why waste minutes on frowns? I rather spend my life happily, look on the bright side. That's my principle.
I ate ljs today! Finally! Combo 1 plus! Felt exremely guilty drinking the sprite. No guilt about the chicken though >.<
Lots of things to do. Extremely tired. Goodnight!
Kaka came after school to collect her hmwk. Oonie made me think tt she was comign from the back gate. So I waited at the squash court for damn long! Yun Hui was there soI wasn't alone =DD Only realised tt I got the wrong gate mayb 10 minutes later? But good thing though. I was able to open the gate for Su. If nt her friend would have to come down and open the gate for her.
Thought I would get back econs today but I didn't. Got back bio paper 2 structured though. I want to get at least a B!! Only ppr 3 essay portion and ppr 2 essay portions havent got back. GP was a terrible D.
Didnt do much after sch. Ate with Oon, talked to Ivan, did 2 paragraphs of econs. Left at 3.30 cause I wasn't sure what time my tuition was. Had to go home to check the phone number and call the center.
Tuition today was fun, yet tiring. I think I like GP when I'm there. I don't really like it in school. There's more room for expression of ideas, and I think cause usually there are only 3 or 4 of us, so the exchange of ideas flow alot better. I used bio ppr 3 knowledge! haha! Bt endotoxin and Golden Rice =DD Only Jie Yi and Jasmine came today. So after tuition as usual, walked to yishun, MRTed with Jasmine.
OH! Jie Yi said smth today that mirrored my thoughts =D "You choose if you want to be happy" Well, basically, you define your own happiness. Like I always say, life's too short to be unhappy. Why waste minutes on frowns? I rather spend my life happily, look on the bright side. That's my principle.
I ate ljs today! Finally! Combo 1 plus! Felt exremely guilty drinking the sprite. No guilt about the chicken though >.<
Lots of things to do. Extremely tired. Goodnight!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
EDITT: 10.10pm
The news was just saying about the foods that we can or cannot eat due to the Chinese Tainted Milk incident. Seriously. Almost everything is off the shelves.
Mum: Eh. Later tell papa that the 'camel' nuts also cannot eat. Then he won't eat ler (My dad has this profound liking for nuts)
Laugh until we choked!
I've learnt a valuable lesson today =D
Don't jump to conclusions. Thanks to 2 certain people.
Oh! Yixin! hot babe and lin jie are MINE OKAY!
Or we can share!
The news was just saying about the foods that we can or cannot eat due to the Chinese Tainted Milk incident. Seriously. Almost everything is off the shelves.
Mum: Eh. Later tell papa that the 'camel' nuts also cannot eat. Then he won't eat ler (My dad has this profound liking for nuts)
Laugh until we choked!
I've learnt a valuable lesson today =D
Don't jump to conclusions. Thanks to 2 certain people.
Oh! Yixin! hot babe and lin jie are MINE OKAY!
Or we can share!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Goodnessss! I got the same marks for maths paper 2 as my prelikm 1! shucks. But at least paper 1 improved =DD
I'll tell you guys my results after I get back everything k! Or you can ask me if you want.
Choobs went for lunch without meeeee =(
And and and kaka is unhappy. Cheer up k kaka! We'll find a solution to this messed up problem. I'm not too happy either, but its freaking ma fan.
Stayed in school (as usual) to do inroganic revision and I almost killed myself doing it. I've no appetite today! Dunno whyyyy. School food just irks me now. I don't even want to think about eating it. Now I know how Eunice feels!
Eeks. Need to install phone stuffs. Later!
I'll tell you guys my results after I get back everything k! Or you can ask me if you want.
Choobs went for lunch without meeeee =(
And and and kaka is unhappy. Cheer up k kaka! We'll find a solution to this messed up problem. I'm not too happy either, but its freaking ma fan.
Stayed in school (as usual) to do inroganic revision and I almost killed myself doing it. I've no appetite today! Dunno whyyyy. School food just irks me now. I don't even want to think about eating it. Now I know how Eunice feels!
Eeks. Need to install phone stuffs. Later!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Laptop died! Refused to start up =(
Will send it for repair soon, probably when I go collect my bilabong voucher =DD
So timely! I wish it doesn't come back from repair until like last day of 'A's! (Siao ler)
Won't be online so often now, with my laptop dead. 最心痛的是我的宝贵的照片可能全完了 =(
I still have some though. Luckily I uploaded them to blogger. Shall go back and retrieve them!
Laptop died! Refused to start up =(
Will send it for repair soon, probably when I go collect my bilabong voucher =DD
So timely! I wish it doesn't come back from repair until like last day of 'A's! (Siao ler)
Won't be online so often now, with my laptop dead. 最心痛的是我的宝贵的照片可能全完了 =(
I still have some though. Luckily I uploaded them to blogger. Shall go back and retrieve them!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
GP tuition! Been waiting for a long time ler. Its funnn! And get to learn summore.
New GP tuition mate: Jasmine! We did battle today in GP in paris. Close passage battlee! At stake: Loser has to do compo and present some articles next week. So Jie Yi and I fought with all we had (Mostly she fought) and we won!!! 17 - 16. woohoo~
Teacher: Why don't we have names for the pairs?
Me: I know alr! Ke Ai! (Cute)
Jie Yi: wa. I nua alr.
T: The Powerful duo
M: The Sexy duo!
New GP tuition mate: Jasmine! We did battle today in GP in paris. Close passage battlee! At stake: Loser has to do compo and present some articles next week. So Jie Yi and I fought with all we had (Mostly she fought) and we won!!! 17 - 16. woohoo~
Teacher: Why don't we have names for the pairs?
Me: I know alr! Ke Ai! (Cute)
Jie Yi: wa. I nua alr.
T: The Powerful duo
M: The Sexy duo!
As you can see, I zi high all the way. Lucky Jie Yi got pei he. =)
So Jie Yi and Jasmine recognise each other. Mainly cause they are from the same school =.= And Jasmine has a good friend who used to be in WRS. Our batch. Forgot her name alr. Small Small World!
Need to drag myself away from computer and get back to packingggggggg
Friday, September 19, 2008
SPONTANEOUS! (learnt from mamma mia)
Asked the 2 Eunices, Px, Si Hui and jie jie out for badminton, but in the end I ended up playing with Eunice Oon. Our badminton deproved!! (Not like mine has been good anyway). Okay then off to get sweettalk! And we agreed that its so boring not gg to sch. I'm bored stiff as I type this.
Reached home and got this spontaneous feeling to play bball. So i just put my bag down, grabbed the basketball, and went down to playyyy. Took me like 20mins to find out how to pump the basketball. moron.
Just got home (again), and nobody's home. Le sigh. Ah well. At least I'm in the comforts of my home.
I really have nothing more to type so I'll just stop here.
Asked the 2 Eunices, Px, Si Hui and jie jie out for badminton, but in the end I ended up playing with Eunice Oon. Our badminton deproved!! (Not like mine has been good anyway). Okay then off to get sweettalk! And we agreed that its so boring not gg to sch. I'm bored stiff as I type this.
Reached home and got this spontaneous feeling to play bball. So i just put my bag down, grabbed the basketball, and went down to playyyy. Took me like 20mins to find out how to pump the basketball. moron.
Just got home (again), and nobody's home. Le sigh. Ah well. At least I'm in the comforts of my home.
I really have nothing more to type so I'll just stop here.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
ok luh. not that nice. Watched with kc today =D
Wayyyyy to many songs for such a short movieee. I fell asleep twice. hahha! But some parts are really funnny. I ate KFC again! goodnessss! NVM! Playing badminton tml with oonie. shed everythingg. But tml afternoon nth to do! Wanted to make cookies or smth but thennn I dont even have an oven =(
ok luh. not that nice. Watched with kc today =D
Wayyyyy to many songs for such a short movieee. I fell asleep twice. hahha! But some parts are really funnny. I ate KFC again! goodnessss! NVM! Playing badminton tml with oonie. shed everythingg. But tml afternoon nth to do! Wanted to make cookies or smth but thennn I dont even have an oven =(
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Heh. I realised I blogged almsot everyday in August. 27 out of 31!
Just finished studying. Hope its enough to bring me across tml. Can't let my tuition teacher down. He's alr quite demoralised cause his other 2 students are not very confident. Studied at Starbucks today. Most boring mid-autumn everrrrrrr. Watched ppl play with candles on the way home. *ENVYYYYYYY
Oh and a latern caught fire in my house. The candle finished burning so the flame started on the lantern
Dad: I think the lantern is burning. *Tries to blow out
Mum: Quick! Put under the tap!
Me: No need la. Can blow.
Mum: Quick Quick!
Okay. So I underestimated the fire. The lantern ended up in the sink.
Curry Udon for dinner! whoopppiieeesssss!
Check out the number ofmooncakes boxes of mooncakes in my house:
Just finished studying. Hope its enough to bring me across tml. Can't let my tuition teacher down. He's alr quite demoralised cause his other 2 students are not very confident. Studied at Starbucks today. Most boring mid-autumn everrrrrrr. Watched ppl play with candles on the way home. *ENVYYYYYYY
Oh and a latern caught fire in my house. The candle finished burning so the flame started on the lantern
Dad: I think the lantern is burning. *Tries to blow out
Mum: Quick! Put under the tap!
Me: No need la. Can blow.
Mum: Quick Quick!
Okay. So I underestimated the fire. The lantern ended up in the sink.
Curry Udon for dinner! whoopppiieeesssss!
Check out the number of

Thats probably like 8 boxes! I counted about 40 - 50 mooncakes of various sizes and colour! OMGBBQ!MOONCAKESSSS
Saturday, September 13, 2008
tagboard up. Thanks to HOT BABE
Met Uncle and ABC at the library today. Many many weird things happenedd mannn.
1st thing:
Got this girl came up to our table cause got one empty seat.
Girl: Anyone sitting here?
Uncle: No
Girl: Then help me book can? *leaves smth on the table, grabs UNCLE'S PENCIL BOX and puts on the empty part of the table. HAHAHA! We were all stunned.
Then she left. lol.
2nd thing:
After Uncle and ABC left, there was this couple who sat opposite me. JC kids la. Then hor the guy I DUNNO YYYYYY his hand is always at the girl's leg area and its not just like put there. Its moving everywhere!! (exagerate abit la). Then I just try to ignore the ahem ahem in front of me. Apparently there was this lady sitting at the opposite table who didnt quite ignore it. She went to report to the librarian, who took the guy aside to talk to him la. Then when the ocuple was about to leave right, the guy just stare at the lady and began cracking his knuckles loudly, then he left. Walao.
Eh.. Novyn, you better not do that to zj in public places k if not I'll punch you or smth. hahaha. No la. I know you are a nice guy =D
Ate Aijisen today with my mum. Sorry Eunice, Karen and Xiuwen, but Ajisen ain't that good. Ramen was good la. But the side orders were not very nice. And the service was not very good. I had to ask twice for iced water. Not worth itttt! HUIYI. LETS CHANGE OUR BET. I DONT WANT AJISEN ALREADY! haha.. not like I will win the bet anyway. Its almost impossible to.
I'm demented. Did 5 econs essay outlines, but they look more like point form full length essays. ARRGGHHHHH! more econs. I think its quite fun leh when you know how to do. Yea, I know. I can imagine all of you yelling " you FREEEAKKKKKKKK!" when you read that last sentence.
Oh I just remembered something uncle said to ABC when ABC said that Uncle only come to look at girls.
Uncle: 那边有一个st nick's的
hahaha! Uncle ar...
tagboard up. Thanks to HOT BABE
Met Uncle and ABC at the library today. Many many weird things happenedd mannn.
1st thing:
Got this girl came up to our table cause got one empty seat.
Girl: Anyone sitting here?
Uncle: No
Girl: Then help me book can? *leaves smth on the table, grabs UNCLE'S PENCIL BOX and puts on the empty part of the table. HAHAHA! We were all stunned.
Then she left. lol.
2nd thing:
After Uncle and ABC left, there was this couple who sat opposite me. JC kids la. Then hor the guy I DUNNO YYYYYY his hand is always at the girl's leg area and its not just like put there. Its moving everywhere!! (exagerate abit la). Then I just try to ignore the ahem ahem in front of me. Apparently there was this lady sitting at the opposite table who didnt quite ignore it. She went to report to the librarian, who took the guy aside to talk to him la. Then when the ocuple was about to leave right, the guy just stare at the lady and began cracking his knuckles loudly, then he left. Walao.
Eh.. Novyn, you better not do that to zj in public places k if not I'll punch you or smth. hahaha. No la. I know you are a nice guy =D
Ate Aijisen today with my mum. Sorry Eunice, Karen and Xiuwen, but Ajisen ain't that good. Ramen was good la. But the side orders were not very nice. And the service was not very good. I had to ask twice for iced water. Not worth itttt! HUIYI. LETS CHANGE OUR BET. I DONT WANT AJISEN ALREADY! haha.. not like I will win the bet anyway. Its almost impossible to.
I'm demented. Did 5 econs essay outlines, but they look more like point form full length essays. ARRGGHHHHH! more econs. I think its quite fun leh when you know how to do. Yea, I know. I can imagine all of you yelling " you FREEEAKKKKKKKK!" when you read that last sentence.
Oh I just remembered something uncle said to ABC when ABC said that Uncle only come to look at girls.
Uncle: 那边有一个st nick's的
hahaha! Uncle ar...
Friday, September 12, 2008
100th post of 2008!!!
I was about to leave home when BOOOOMMMM! RAIIINNNNNNNNN!!!!! Luckily it stopped in like 10 minutes XD Went to school and rannnnnn 6 rounds. OUTERMOST TRACK OKAYYY. Was about to finish when someone came to the side gate. Of course I help him open la. hahaha. Studied after that, then went for some impromptu chemistry consultation. Mrs Yap so cute laaa. She keep saying the opposite of some things. haha. But she's still a good teacher. She looks tired today though.
OH OH OH. I only remembered after chem consultation that I brough TIM TAMS. Wanted to give Sung, the ANIMALS and oonie but in the end only gave oonie. haha.
Met kc at 7, then my dad called and say that my uncle cant find my grandma. He was supposed to meet her cause my grandma is staying over at his house for the weekend. So me and kc went to look at the bus interchange. Walked for several rounds. Then my parents came, and told us to go and eat. They will update me. Turns out my uncle alr met my grandma, but he didnt pick up the phone. I think he got like 100 miss calls!
MOS BURGERRRR. Kc just bought an iphone. copy me only. hahaha. jkjk. Met Sarah there =D Oh and I gave kc tim tams as well. Walked home, and sat at his void deck and talked until 9.15 or so. Just talked to him on the phone also. hahaha. I think I will go crazy if I dont talk to him in a long time. =D
k la. Econnnsssss. I'll try to do some la. Nights ^.^
Oh and I'll bring the tim tams again on monday =D
I was about to leave home when BOOOOMMMM! RAIIINNNNNNNNN!!!!! Luckily it stopped in like 10 minutes XD Went to school and rannnnnn 6 rounds. OUTERMOST TRACK OKAYYY. Was about to finish when someone came to the side gate. Of course I help him open la. hahaha. Studied after that, then went for some impromptu chemistry consultation. Mrs Yap so cute laaa. She keep saying the opposite of some things. haha. But she's still a good teacher. She looks tired today though.
OH OH OH. I only remembered after chem consultation that I brough TIM TAMS. Wanted to give Sung, the ANIMALS and oonie but in the end only gave oonie. haha.
Met kc at 7, then my dad called and say that my uncle cant find my grandma. He was supposed to meet her cause my grandma is staying over at his house for the weekend. So me and kc went to look at the bus interchange. Walked for several rounds. Then my parents came, and told us to go and eat. They will update me. Turns out my uncle alr met my grandma, but he didnt pick up the phone. I think he got like 100 miss calls!
MOS BURGERRRR. Kc just bought an iphone. copy me only. hahaha. jkjk. Met Sarah there =D Oh and I gave kc tim tams as well. Walked home, and sat at his void deck and talked until 9.15 or so. Just talked to him on the phone also. hahaha. I think I will go crazy if I dont talk to him in a long time. =D
k la. Econnnsssss. I'll try to do some la. Nights ^.^
Oh and I'll bring the tim tams again on monday =D
Thursday, September 11, 2008
AND S.H.E's new album is coming out on 23rd september!!!! YAYNESSSSSSS~
Good luck to those having physics tml!
I feel like asking ppl out to watch moviieeee. haha.. siao right. middle of prelims. But I'm damn bored at home now. Anyone wants to watch??? *puppy eyes
你坐在公路的出口, 等待天黑以后~
AND S.H.E's new album is coming out on 23rd september!!!! YAYNESSSSSSS~
Good luck to those having physics tml!
I feel like asking ppl out to watch moviieeee. haha.. siao right. middle of prelims. But I'm damn bored at home now. Anyone wants to watch??? *puppy eyes
你坐在公路的出口, 等待天黑以后~
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
I rmb telling Eunice before chem ppr 3 that I will not do any reaction kinetics questions. But i still did it anyway cause the organic part at the back was super tempting. Still, threw away about 8 marks. Somehow, I'm not really in the exam mood. It just seems like a time based assignment, except that I have to do well.
Went to ljs after sch with Andrew and Jasmine and OMG LA. We saw something that made us (maybe only me) traumatised for quite some time. Explain in person. hahahaha!
Hellish 2 days ahead. Nights =DD
I'm still happy!!
Went to ljs after sch with Andrew and Jasmine and OMG LA. We saw something that made us (maybe only me) traumatised for quite some time. Explain in person. hahahaha!
Hellish 2 days ahead. Nights =DD
I'm still happy!!
Monday, September 08, 2008
Its the start of prelims, but I'm surprisingly happy =DD
I dunno why. I started getting high after lunch and the euphoria just didnt die down. I didnt really feel wasted or sad that I got 3 questions definetely wrong for bio ppr 3. I just felt so elated that I chionged chemistry immediately after that =DD
Oh Joel called and he was freaking hilarious:
Joel: HELLO! Are you in school
Me: Yea... why?
Me: Yeah.. Its kinda old news. Been tgt for awhile
Joel: But I dont know abt it!!! OMGOODNESSS! Since when since when??
Okay la. Maybe too hiong, Headache now =.=!
Sleeepp. Chem ppr 3 tml. May blog agn tml... depends bah! But definetely not on wednesday! Bio ppr 2 is on thursday. crap.
K la.. Head's really constricting now. Gotta sleep. Nights =D
(I know. alot of =D in this post) =DDD
I dunno why. I started getting high after lunch and the euphoria just didnt die down. I didnt really feel wasted or sad that I got 3 questions definetely wrong for bio ppr 3. I just felt so elated that I chionged chemistry immediately after that =DD
Oh Joel called and he was freaking hilarious:
Joel: HELLO! Are you in school
Me: Yea... why?
Me: Yeah.. Its kinda old news. Been tgt for awhile
Joel: But I dont know abt it!!! OMGOODNESSS! Since when since when??
Okay la. Maybe too hiong, Headache now =.=!
Sleeepp. Chem ppr 3 tml. May blog agn tml... depends bah! But definetely not on wednesday! Bio ppr 2 is on thursday. crap.
K la.. Head's really constricting now. Gotta sleep. Nights =D
(I know. alot of =D in this post) =DDD
Sunday, September 07, 2008
After chemistry tuition, I ahd this sudden urge to play the piano, something I had not done in maybe 6 months. Guess what? I think I got better! lol. Had PIZZA for lunch =DD After that tried to study at home. BIG mistake. Distractions made me very fustrated and finally, i couldnt take it anymore and left at 5pm. Went to library where I at least did some productive work. But got bored after awhile and took some picturesss
Aussie Cow! "Howdie Mate!"
Kitty rules Aussie!
Super unproductive day T_T
Came home, ate, and till now, only did 1 chem essay ques. Tired! I'm waiting for Huiyi to come online luhhh. Need to ask her about a RJC MCQ answer. The answer seems wrroong! But I don't think she's coming online already. Its 12.26am? Probably sleeping luhh. Lazy pieee! hahaha! (No offence k szb!)
Tired Tired! Sleeeeeep. Nights =D
Friday, September 05, 2008
Huiyi is an O2Jam pro. I'm convinced. Lag still can combo 300! walao.

Oh, this is us slacking at nma com lab. lol. k la. I went there for 15mins only okay! no audition for me to play anyway T_T
Oh, and luckily I followed Huiyi's advice and went to the library. Very productive there! weees~ Thanks =D I was so tempted to go home after school. Brain dead already. Library does wonders.
Studied lots today. I think its the most productive day all week so far. Hopefully this continues.
And I'm tired!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
heh. first time this week i was deprived of company T_T
huiyi left after her run, and yaoqi and pc didnt come today. So I stoned until mayb 11.30 when novyn came down from the libraria with magic in his hands! And my magic I mean food!!! So I went to eat. lol. Ji Soo, Kate and Zhi Jun came down too! Then it was alone again. Jin Xiang popped by to have his lunch and Luo Ling came at 2 plus. I kept sleeping today! Study 30 mins, sleep 10 mins. haha. they say tt studying by yourself is better but somehow I didnt get the groove to study until like maybe 3pm. Rained again at 5pm. Wanted to take bus to cwp at 6 BUT i saw smth tt I didnt like so I walked instead. Slight drizzle but still alright. Wanted to study at MOS Burger but was crowed. Walked ard, saw Grace Taichou, Elisa, Suzzana and Farhan =DD Eh Grace, I use my hair and poke you! *pokes
Finally went to the library. omg la.. last 2 nights right I went to the library, joke mann. Always the only seats that I could see is at this particular table, and this particular AJC guy will sit there everytime! Then its like so awkward la ytd. I sat opposite him at the same table, and both nights only got 2 of us at the table. walao. I mean yrd when I saw him I still smile smile abit. I saw him today also. Luckily he not sitting at the same table. Dont care him la. I went to sit inside inside! Kc came to find me later. Then slack liao lor.. Macs to watch him eat, then back home.
huiyi left after her run, and yaoqi and pc didnt come today. So I stoned until mayb 11.30 when novyn came down from the libraria with magic in his hands! And my magic I mean food!!! So I went to eat. lol. Ji Soo, Kate and Zhi Jun came down too! Then it was alone again. Jin Xiang popped by to have his lunch and Luo Ling came at 2 plus. I kept sleeping today! Study 30 mins, sleep 10 mins. haha. they say tt studying by yourself is better but somehow I didnt get the groove to study until like maybe 3pm. Rained again at 5pm. Wanted to take bus to cwp at 6 BUT i saw smth tt I didnt like so I walked instead. Slight drizzle but still alright. Wanted to study at MOS Burger but was crowed. Walked ard, saw Grace Taichou, Elisa, Suzzana and Farhan =DD Eh Grace, I use my hair and poke you! *pokes
Finally went to the library. omg la.. last 2 nights right I went to the library, joke mann. Always the only seats that I could see is at this particular table, and this particular AJC guy will sit there everytime! Then its like so awkward la ytd. I sat opposite him at the same table, and both nights only got 2 of us at the table. walao. I mean yrd when I saw him I still smile smile abit. I saw him today also. Luckily he not sitting at the same table. Dont care him la. I went to sit inside inside! Kc came to find me later. Then slack liao lor.. Macs to watch him eat, then back home.
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