Thursday, November 09, 2006


yes, the word of the day : orgasm.

this morning, jun you, oon, and me were ourside the sch library, revising bio last minute. jun you, having dedicated his sleeping hours to bio, was kinda in a state of confusion. our conversation went like this:

jy: can someone tell me what an oraganism is? the book says.....

me: they wont ask such simple questions (which they DID. stupid paper. define gene and mutation, which i obviously dont know, but never mind that now.)

jy: they say that an orgasm is....

oon: (starts laughing)orgasm?

me: (laughs)

jy: Ya! TELL ME WHAT IS ORGASM! I WANT TO KNOW WHAT IS ORGASM! (SAID TWICE) (words in caps and bolded to show the volume of which he said it).

me + oon : orgasm?

jy: omg! did i say orgasm? (starts to laugh). i meant oraganism.

for those like si hui, who do not know what orgasm is, this is how zi yond bluntly put it to her: 是您做爱的高潮(u may have to change your language to see it)(i just realised i cant see it. it appears as gargle). eng translation: it is the high point when you are having sexual intercourse.
for those who are unable to understand, i have, pleasently, at the expense of my blog, provided the full meaning of orgasm and organism below.

organism:In biology and ecology, an organism (in Greek organon = instrument) is a living complex adaptive system of organs that influence each other in such a way that they function in some way as a stable whole.

orgasm: Orgasm is the conclusion of the plateau phase of the sexual response cycle, shared by males and females alike.

sources: wikipedia

ok, enough of that.
today's bio paper 1 was realatively easy, but paper 2 was a kller. so was geog. crazily tired.

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