Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Found this on Vivien's blog:

PW = Painful work, PI = Pretty Idiotic, EoM = Eating our Minds, I&R = Irrational & RuBbish, WR = Wasting ResouRcs, OP = Obviously Pointless



Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Thursday, October 04, 2007

As I type this post, I'm fully aware that the promos ended like 13 hours ago.

Ended in disaster, I must say. It was all quite reasonable up to the chemistry paper. tHats where I blew it, like I always do chemistry.

In school right now, waiting for zhi jun to come and use my laptop >.<

Why am I back in school? I gotta hand in my EoM. For the benefit of those who don't know, the Evaluating of Materials is an individual document in the Project Work Syllybus.

Well, I feel the need to escape into literature, so I shall attempt a narrative for the first time in 10 months.

Before I go, funny video for you

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


apparently the top of the porridge was not cooked, so the bottom is nice >.<

i'm such an idiot
okay.. quickie here

besides, there's chemistry mid course tml.

its 11.30pm, and i'm hungry, eating instant porridge, which is not very good.

okays.. bacck to chem


(not a very eventful 201st post)