Sunday, October 01, 2006

today was quite fun^^

went to tracie's church after my tuition. her family was nice. it was the first time i was seeing her father. He was very nice, with quite a funny bone, i must say. went to the speedlight youth service, i think. they had a band and all, and i really enjoyed the experience. the songs were original and lovely. there were several fast songs, but i prefered the slower ones, much like ballads. still all of them were nice.

The pastor then came up and had a talk. it was abobut pornography. about how it is infesting our lives and the various forms of this very subject. in fact, most of us classify this term wrongly. it does not only refer to nakedness or sexual acts. anything that makes you have negative sexual energy, in fact, is a form of pornography. there was one hilarious moment when he(the pastor) was sayin that our nakedness is God's gift to us. He said 'so, when we are born we are....' someone in the crowd shouted:
freaking hilarious.

it was quite an enriching experience. hmm. i think i'll consider goin again. but not any time soon. time is of the essence in exams.

(pardon me for my abrupt ends toposts. i never know how to close a blog)

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