Monday, June 04, 2007

SG17 outing!

Just got bacck from SG17 outing!!

Shrek 3 was funny! one of the best movies I've seen this year.. Then again, I didnt watch many movies this year.

I shan't spoil the fun for all of you, so all I can say is GO WATCH IT!

(Oh, did I mention I saw someone cosplay as ichigo from Bleach? Full shinigami garb with zanpakatou! Also saw Misa-Misa from Deathnote!!)

Watched Shrek 3 with SG17 at cine! Mum Michelle made us draw tickets at random, so we would not stick to our cliches, and i can say it worked pretty well. Asher said he banged the wall while going into the cinema, but that's his story, and I'll leave it to him.

Okay, so after that we went to BK to eat, and it was kinda odd to be dining at BK.. Despite the fact that I ate BK for lunch, I ate it again.. only to find out that some of them went out to buy subway. Talked and chat alot. Many days since I felt real closeness and fun that reached into me. It really felt like we knew each other for a long time already.. haha..

I learnt all the tricks on the block! This is a string! Whahahaha..

Audrey let us try her wasabi ice-cream. Personaly, I think it tasted horrible.. hahaha.. sorry audrey, we just don't share your taste =p

After dinner, we hang around outside B, talked, Taupoked Kenneth, Derrick and Jerome. The sercurity guard kept walking past us..

The rest went to have desert while Audrey, Min Le and I headed home. Alas, we bade farewell, and it was kinda hard to leave.

SG17!! We'll go out again!!

<3 17

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