Sunday, March 25, 2007

I have just realised something that has struck me left, right and center.

Despite my last blogskin (the optimistic one) and despite me having optimist thoughts, my blog name sincerly reminded me of my views towards life probably around 3 years back. For those of you who are screaming and fainting, waiting to hear my blog name, its actually 'dark soul'. Quite an ironic name for a blog the percieves optimism as it's primary idea and school of thought.

But the more i think, the more i realise how much my viewpoint, if not childish then somewhat adolescent, has changed, particularly during my upper sec years, and if we zoom in, the main part of this whole exciting drama serial was probably that of end 2005 and 2006, where i feel that i had something to the likes of extreme makeover, not in appearence, but in terms of lifestyle, the way i percieve life, and how i live it. As i became closer to more people, and even closer to my already close friends, my life seemingly brightened up, and i saw more light than darkness.

However, with more light, you will see more dust. In an optimist's view point, even something very bad can have good points. Somtimes, this point is imagined, and may not be a true fact. What one sees, others may not see. What other's see, one may not see.

Sometimes, because of this long-term optimism, some optimists quite often fail to detect how much pain or suffering another individual is going through because they themselves have brushed all negative view of life off their shoulders. Therefore, they could unknowingly become indifferent to the feelings of others. When an optimist realises this, he tries to change certain parts of his life, tries to understand such feelings, and even though many do suceed, many others often fail.

That brings me back to 3 years ago, where perhaps i was still living with the excitement of the dark. I still love the dark, and i'm particularly active at night. But the 'dark' thought 3 years back was probably not the real me. It was a cocoon, encasing my true soul. However, what is my true soul and what is not? Could optimism be just another shell beyond the cocoon?

Perhaps, it is still 'dark soul'

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